Why does blizz insist on forcing people to nolife WoW to get r14 gear?

Well that is your opinion and it is wrong.

There is no difference between allowing gear progression over time if the time investment is at least the same.

You won’t get the gear when people who play more than you get it. YOu will get it later and it will be worth less.

So it doesn’t cheapen the gear at all. It just lets people get it who want it later even though it probably isn’t even good by the time they get it.

It doesn’t cheapen the gear in the slightest or make it more available in earlier phases.

Most people won’t even invest the time to get the gear even if you could do it over time.

You are crazy if you think this change means everyone will have R14 gear. It would still require hundreds of hours to get minimum. Most people won’t bother when they can just go to raids and get gear.

The only people who would bother farming it out over time are people who just want the gear for how it looks or if they are completionists.

What is the point getting R14 gear in P6? Guess what. I did it in 4 days. I got the gear in 4 days in P6 during TBC prepatch. So it was super accessible and it didn’t matter cause it’s P6.

Use your brain. You people are seriously like talking to a child or a brick wall. You can’t even grasp simple concepts.