Solving the Premade "dilemma"!

The addon in question does not interact with the queue system in any way, it shows the information contained in Quick Join feature in a readable format.

In fact, addons cannot interact with the queue window in any way, they require a hardware event. Which I don’t expect you to understand, perhaps this might help: A Guide and Reference for Creating WoW Addons

Exploiting other players is an equally serious offense. Scamming, account sharing, win-trading, and anything else that may degrade the gaming experience for other players will receive harsh penalties.

No because it’s in the game and part of it…

Why are you still lying?

what exactly in that google presentation is againts the rules?

“Exploits aren’t against the rules.” — Sync Queue Premades


Try reading it.

no and i will explain why:

Community Flare was developed by Meso back when we were all in SAS together, the point of this addon originally was to just give a headcount of how many community members got into a game. i came up with the idea of adding QoL functionality, at the time we were running into issues were the entire group would be held up because 1 person was literally afk and not clicking accept queue.

at the time i also suggested to Meso to look into if we could get it so the addon would queue on a timer or countdown so we could get the best sync possible, Meso looked into it and found the Join queue button is protected, it can’t be activated by automation from addons and must be clicked by a player. this is the automation blizzard would be concerned about.

blizzard has made it impossible to fully automate a queue sync by disabling automated interactions with the queue button. the “other means” would be if someone figured out how to make it so groups can be automatically queued without the group leader manually clicking the button. its not impossible to do outright, which is why they leave the rule in, but its not easily done, even for professional hackers.

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They have absolutely no idea how addons are made, they just think they’re magic.

I’ve looked into it myself, Blizzard has the API locked down pretty hard, I think the only thing someone could do is to make a third party app which detects on screen events and distributes commands across multiple clients, like multiboxing software used to do.

I suspect they’d ban whoever made that software pretty quickly.

“Other means”

If you have 6 groups of 5, so 30 people, and you’re all trying to get into a battleground – what happens if a queue pops for one group, but not the other 5?

Dropping a queue is an in-game button, the button does not contain any rules preventing you from pressing it for any reason.

I’m aware. It wasn’t a trick question

So, there are no rules broken when clicking the leave queue button, so you don’t have a point.

Then why are you getting so defensive before I’ve even made my point?

You don’t have a point.

And I’m not defensive, we’re having a discussion.

I think I may have struck a nerve.

What you think is your problem.

Yet you’re making it yours.

Nah, I’m just replying, this is a discussion forum, we are meant to be discussing.

lets read it together
open slide 10
there are 2 rules which are violated but in facet they are not
the 1 rule addon code must be visible that rule talks about and only about the code it doesnt mean that the addon itself should be public there are a lot of hidden addons that people use and its fine
the 2 rule is the negativly impact on other players thats not the main role of that addon the negative experiecne of other players its just a side effect of this addon but every addon that is created for pvp (PLAYER versus PLAYER) and there are 699 addons that marked as pvp in curseforge helps you to kill and win other players so every addon in pvp has that side effect (and if you read the whole rule it talks about technical things like chat framerates and so on)

now go to slide 11
intentional greifers suspended que dodging is not an intentional greif
the author of the presentation compares m+ leavers and abandonig the battleground
but its not correct
when someone leave m+ group you cant complete the dungeon and you get 0 awards and neagative experience just wasting time
when someone or a whole premade leaves a battleground it usually because its lost battleground anyway so this not affect the rewards and experience that other players get
when the premade dodge a que there are 2 reasons either
1 not everyone got proc so thats not that much players to fill
2 there are another premade and then its a lost bg or 2 hours bg and again this not affect the rewards and experience that other players get so this cant be considered as greifing too

Sync groups dodging each other makes it so games start one sided. Hence making the game unwinnable and not fun for the team. The fact is random bg’s are not the intended place for “large, organized groups” doing something not intended by the game is exploiting.

but allowed because that doesnt break any rules