Solving the Premade “dilemma”!
Suggestions for solving the “should Premades be allowed or not” 20-year-long plea from PVP players to Blizzard to let us play with our friends in groups as large as we can in raid groups in PVE play:
- Reactivate the link to War Games, allow 40-man PREMADE RAID GROUPS to queue up, and only against other Premades of 20 or more can queue into War Games or a version of a Premade version of War Games. This solves the “dodge” problem, allows PVP Communities to thrive, and promotes healthy in-game competition and fun.
- Utilizing the existing War Game mechanic would go a long way to revitalizing World of Warcraft and potentially bring back millions of PAYING SUBSCRIBERS.*
Do you have any creative suggestions on convincing Blizzard to finally allow us the same opportunity to group that we had in Vanilla until they removed instance numbers on the battlegrounds?
Just let people do premades. Let them twink. Let people play the way they want.
Stop trying to create special features to mitigate the behavior of players that is available to all.
allow raid queueing for epics. a wargame is fun, wargames as a game mode is not.
Nobody’s cares what people do as long as they follow the rules. These “premades” are not following the rules and ruining the game for others.
If they allow raid queue, all you’ll see is people coming to the forum asking for it to be removed.
Don’t think that one’s too likely. Pugs are the majority, and a good portion of said majority probably won’t go off to join a PvP community to avoid being farmed by premades. They’ll just quit - maybe only PvP, maybe the game itself. Whatever the case, it’s potentially damaging to both the game and Blizzard’s bottom line.
As much as I like the idea of premades vs premades fighting it out in AV like it’s 2003, the reality is a lot of those premades dodge one another so they can farm pugs. It would be different if they actively sought conflict with one another for the sake of challnge, but that’s rarely the case.
nah, its really only a couple teams, most groups drop so they can get all their people in for a max premade vs premade game, premades are typically trying to avoid being split rather than trying to farm pugs. if you remove the splits then you remove the majority of premade drops, this leaves pretty much only the few groups who dodge remaining as droppers. if dodging another premade is the only reason to drop, there will be less pushback to increase afk and dodge penalties.
I feel like most is a strong word here. I’ll grant you some of us are usually trying to organize premade vs premade, but a good number of people also aren’t. There are premade communities outside the five or so people know about, and the lion’s share of those are very much dedicated to farming randos.
Thing is - and people probably aren’t gonna like this - there is nothing Blizzard can really do in this situation that won’t have an extremely high probability of backfiring. Severely restricting queues is just gonna make nobody want to do epics, but opening them up is going to make pugging even more nightmarish than it already is.
overhaul the rewards so that people flood epics. premades only get away with massive syncs because the rate of players queueing per minute is so low that an epic community can sync a team in, when the queues are populated it gets hard to get more than 1-2 groups to pop together. otherwise making it so premades can queue as a raid so they don’t get split is the next best option.
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If you go on the random battle grounds LFG it is dead. It has been for years. Why? You’d think being in a 5 man queueing for a random bgs would be more fun and increase your chances of winning.
Make random Qs crossfaction and solo-duo like blitz. Have a separate Q for larger groups. 20+ rated with high rewards would be a good start. BUFF THE DAMN NPCS AND VEHICLES.
If a 20+ Vs 20+ only, was an option. I wonder how many of the 5 or less party groups queues we would have still be queue syncing pvp communities.
They only break the rules because the game tried to discourage “premades”. Anything that gets multiple players organizing together to have fun is fine as long as the other side can do the same.
If it was strictly putting raid vs raid in an Epic Bg I would be interested to see it play out.
For eg
Team A of 20 players is facing Team B of 20 players. The rest is made up of pugs.
If their is no Team B for Team A to face then they should be stuck in queue until there is.
Will it lead to long queue times ? Potentially yes.
Will raids like DJL / AVM not sign up because they will be facing other premades? Yes
Will they still try to circumvent the restrictions in place ? Most likely, Yes
Should there be consequences to that ? Yes
We all know of the recent leak of some communities premade addon. Actively dodging another premade. It was an incredibly well done post / presentation and it was instantly Brigaded and eventually removed (most likely by those it outed)
How kewl was that sweet programming ‘screw up’. Games were awesome. Much more fun.
There are plenty of places “premades” can go. They didn’t want large organized groups in randoms because it was unfair.
This unfortunately takes every one of those players out of the normal queue. It makes EVERYONE’s queues longer.
It also nerfs the psychological reward of making a premade. It’s not worth the effort if after going through all the trouble of making a premade group, you don’t get to stomp some BGs.
XP off queue was not a net good for the game to solve twinking and Rated BGs was not a net good to solve premades.
The point of twinking is in part to gather all your stuff to be OP for the bracket. The point of making a premade is to have a super organized and monolithic group to stomp a disorganized random group.
Neither was a problem so bad it needed fixing. And the fix hasn’t even worked.
I think players are frustrated because EPICS are supposed to be for gearing or practicing, not 20+ person pre-mades.
EPICS are only separate because they were too big for people so everyone had the same ones checked as “no” on the random queue menu.
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