Solving the Premade "dilemma"!

That’s rich coming from you.


Ya Inemia blocked me because he hated that I kept blowing his arguments out of the water. I also provided proof they dodge and exploit but of course they spam reported that post and got it taken down. By they I mean BSG lol


said proof is her talking about one moment she saw on my youtube channel where we sync’d and i was not party lead, since she didn’t see me as the one queueing she assumed there was an addon doing an automated sync queue and not just me running a quality of life addon that lets me auto join and queue with friends.

she has zero hard evidence and grasps at vague straws to make some out of nothing.

Awww whatever excuses you need to shout from the rooftops Inemia. You have all been exposed, lying now is just digging that hole deeper.

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You’re the biggest hypocrite of the bunch, and that says a lot. You’re the last person who should be casting stones from that glass house of yours.


what makes me a hypocrite?

Just one instance of it lol

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Your previous comments about sync queue premades, before you caved and joined them.


you heard it here folks, once you form an opinion, you are to keep that opinion for the rest of your life and never change it lest you be incorrectly labeled a “hypocrite”.

Funny how that works, right? It’s almost like changing your opinion is okay, but defending something you once condemned makes you a hypocrite.

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no it doesn’t. and you aren’t using that word correctly.

a good example of a hypocrite would be someone who goes to church but doesn’t actually believe in that religion, they just want people to think they are religious for publicity, but they don’t actually follow any of its tenets.

Changing your mind is fine, but defending something you once trashed because it’s convenient now? That’s hypocrisy. It’s not about pretending to be something you’re not—it’s about acting like your old stance never existed.

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nope, still falls under changing your mind. if i ran in premades while also talking about how bad they are for the game, that would be hypocrisy, but realizing you were wrong and being adult enough to admit it and change course is maturity and growth, not something negative.

I don’t expect you to own it or change your mind. Calling it ‘changing your mind’ is just your way of staying in denial.

never changing your mind and never growing as a person is a red flag.

Spin it however you like. Calling hypocrisy ‘growth’ doesn’t make it any less hypocritical.

i don’t have to spin anything, you are literally using the word incorrectly.

I like how the responses after you shared this is: “Nope, not good enough, has to come from Ion himself”.

Oh that’s a forum mod, not Blizzard. Oh, no, that one is from a Game Master, not Blizzard.

So when they say that it has to come from Blizzard, what they really mean is that they expect the Game Director to personally provide them with a response.

Goal post shifting at its finest.

I wouldn’t be surprised that even if Ion did give a response, they’d then go: “Nope, not good enough, it has to come from Johanna”.

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Our response to that is it’s ambiguous – and it’s that ambiguity that’s being used to justify premades.

Nothing in that response gives a solid, concrete answer to what was actually asked.

It isn’t, in any way, ambiguous.