There are better ways to make gold. People queue sync so that they have a better chance of winning. I honestly don’t see anything wrong with that as long as you don’t dodge another premade, but unfortunately it happens all the time.
Blizzard continuing to improve the capabilities of randoms to coordinate, and to reward players who complete objectives instead of fighting in mid, would be a better use of resources than trying to punish people for doing the fun thing.
Should they? No.
I’m all for wargames allowing 40v40 though.
No people queue sync because it’s the only way they can win. exploiting is wrong.
But it is not… see the screenshot below. A GM has clarified this…
I understand that facing off a premade team, especially when they’re stacked, can be unfair for those who solo queued, but syncers are not violating the ToS. If the solo queuers do not like to be destroyed in battlegrounds, they are always free to form a team to counter other syncers.
except that isn’t talking about sync queueing. it’s saying queueing together is not against the rules. Manipulating the queue is against the rules though as it’s exploiting. Plus, some AI response is hardly “proof” LOL. Good try though.
That entire conversation shows the opposite of what you think it does.
Even if Ian came and said “randoms are not for large organized groups” they will still come up with excuses.
Hypotheticals are dumb because it just ends up being completely unprovable imaginings of what would happen if something that won’t happen did happen.
AV premades go back to 2005 on the server I played on at the time. Alliance got tired of `3-4 months of losing to Horde, so a dude marshalled a big group, used Ventrilo, queued at the same time, and ran a highly coordinated team. Horde would load in, go “oh #$@# this is the Protos premade” and afk out. This isn’t new. This isn’t something Blizzard has been unaware of for19+ years.
I have solo queued many thousands of BG’s, epics and normals. I get the angst, but how many decades need to go by to accept that it is what it is?
I get the angst, but how many decades need to go by to accept that it is what it is?
then there should be no harm in solo players discussing how it’s an issue. But there’s people in premade guilds swarming these posts saying things like this
Discussing issues or insisting that something is an exploit when the same thing has been happening for 19+ years with no action from Blizzard?
when the same thing has been happening for 19+ years with no action from Blizzard?
Has it been the same thing? Or are there new strategies, addons, and drama exacerbating a system that was already being exploited?
“that was already being exploited”
That’s not a conversation. That’s the destination you want to reach because it’s convenient to how you want things to be.
Blizzard clearly disagrees with you. For 19+ years they’ve done not a single thing to prevent organized epics.
This has nothing to do with what I would choose. If I took my $3.5T and bought MS to have control of WoW, I would make significant changes to random BG’s. But what you’re trying to define as “exploit” isn’t seen that way by the people who run the game.
If it wasn’t an exploit, then you wouldn’t need to sync queue in the first place. I think the level and scope of what’s going on is beyond what Blizzard had imagined for a casual, entry-level PvP mode.
And it doesn’t explain why your contributions to the discussion are just telling people to drop it,
Ohh the hypocrisy lol
I didn’t say you should drop it. I think there are a lot of possible solutions to make BG’s better. There are a lot of valid criticisms to be made.
But the two of you aren’t discussing. You’re just repeating “exploit”. I can say you’re exploiting the forums. I can say it a thousand times. But that doesn’t make it true. And it definitely doesn’t make it a productive conversation.
If you’re sure it’s an exploit in spite of evidence to the contrary (such as Blizzard’s inaction for 19+ years), put in tickets to report.
I don’t think that word means when you think it means.
Oh, I do, that’s why I used it.
The only reason why I’m calling it an exploit, or why that’s the discussion, is because these threads are being swarmed by the people exploiting trying to argue that it’s not an exploit … because Blizzard hasn’t done anything about it.
I am positive it’s an exploit. I think the very same ambiguity in the TOS premades are using to justify doing it can be completely flipped to shut them down, and that’s why they don’t want these discussions.
stop arguing with Celinthia, they don’t argue in good faith and just move the goal posts, they have been presented with logic, facts, and evidence showing they are wrong and they still refuse to accept it, they have some idea that if they keep arguing against facts Ion himself will have to come in and clarify and she seems to think he will take her side. just report for trolling and move on, let the mods deal with her.
also, @Celinthia, replying to every single person who disagrees with you in every single thread about premades doesn’t give you control of the narrative, it just makes you annoying and gets you placed on on people’s ignore lists.