[solved] ACCESS_VIOLATION WoW Crash since 11.0 - (bluepost attached)

Just had an error like this cause me to crash to desktop. This happened right after I transferred all of my timewalking currency to my main character, then I was walking around Valdrakken and using a spell on myself (Holy shock) and immediately got this error:

Exception: ACCESS_VIOLATION - The instruction at “0x00007ff7cf125dca” referenced memory at “0x0000000000000020”.
The memory could not be “read”.
ProcessID: 6868
ThreadID: 23892

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Interesting. I think this is a new behavior for that bug.

Really wish Blizz would acknowledge this issue in some way

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Is this reproducable too like the others?

This is all we got and its already 5 days old :frowning:


It seems like, the bug was solved. I’ve just logged in to my main account in EU and I got no errors while hovering over items in my bag. Even my trinket can be used without the critical error.

Thanks blizzard for the fix, but it would have been nice to get an update in the meantime. :wink:

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Fixed for me as well! I sent in a ticket to Blizzard lastnight acknowledging this forum thread and that many of us had tried the usual suspects (verifying files, addons, etc) and asked if they were aware of the issue and for an ETA on a fix if so. The response was a generic copy/paste so assuming that was in no way helpful (hence my negative feedback in the survey) but it seems to have reached them which is great! Thanks to everyone here testing different causes and the reports, pleasantly surprised that this was addressed relatively quickly by Blizzard standards!


This was not fixed, I still cannot login to many of my chars.

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have you tried using the stuck character service?

if that doesn’t work, make a list of the character names and realms, and submit a ticket

Yes, I did use that feature through support. It fixed one my chars to now I can access. A new issue im finding as well, if I put any char into favorites list it crashes everytime. If I take them out of favorites I can access 95% of my chars. There is still 1 that no matter what I do I cannot get access to.

yes same issue. to bad there is no real contact with blizzard for a fix!!

Thought patch day would fix this, sadly, nope.

I cannot login to a few of my characters. Soon as I select them the game crashes. Adding favorites to warband list, crashes as well. Only way I am able to play is by sheer luck that my other toons work, or create a new toon and play that. To me, this feels like some back end database changes due to Warband. The characters I cannot play feel corrupted.

Going to open a formal support ticket for this. This is not cool…

It is strange I have only one character that does not work, my mage. No addons or anything she worked fine until I accessed void storage and now she crashes after about 30 seconds logged in.

I did notice when i logged onto her that the icons in the right hand corner were below the screen ONLY on her without me having edited her screen set up.

She seems stable again now, but was quite strange to have a few days of her just not working.

You will get the same response I do. Its your fault reinstall the game 30 times.

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I’m stuck in a crash loop when I enter Nzoth’s room in Ny’alotha.

My game is also crashing, same error, blah blah Access Violation, referenced memory cannot be “read”

First started as soon as my raid killed heroic Raz when the cutscene would normally trigger. Tried all the usual stuff, addon purge, drivers, restart. Now crash still happening on multiple characters, some idle, some flying, some while raiding there’s no rhyme or reason to it really.

I just got this error while logging in with a character in Remix. It happened right after applying a 300mb update… I hope it doesn’t happen again.

Edit: Bad luck has struck again… They haven’t fixed anything, they actually made it worse. Until today, the game worked flawlessly for me.

My girlfriend was doing Ny’alotha yesterday without issues (LFR difficulty). Have you tested it with a clean Interface/WTF folder (UI Reset)? Currently there are many bugs with AddOns, so all of you should always test it without any AddOns first. If the issue persists then maybe you should create a new bug report.

The issue described here seems to be solved. Haven’t got any crash since Tuesday by hovering over specific items or while opening mail or trading etc. Those issues were 100% reproducible before.

It is possible that there are multiple types of that issue, so maybe create a new bug report for those that are still there IF they are happening regulary and you have tested it with a clean interface.

Same. No issues at all until today. I’ve had multiple crashes on multiple characters today, sometimes as soon as I log in.

Chiming in to also say, suddenly having massive crashing issues since logging in today, played several hours in 11.0 last week with no issues.

Could only fly for a few seconds trying to skyride down to Iskaara before it crashed, multiple times. Disabled all my addons and it hasn’t happened again yet, so I suspect this is an addon problem (possibly to do with the warbank being turned on today?)

Turning them back on in batches so I can try to figure out which one it is.

This is quite possibly the fix. I did the same and so far haven’t experienced another crash. I’m also slowly reenabling them to see which ones are safe. I don’t use too many, but I do have a few of the more niche ones, so it’s possible that those could be causing the issue since they aren’t as updated as quickly as others.


Ok, so I seem to have determined the addon causing my crashes.

The culprit (for me, at least) is Shadowed Unit Frames. As soon as I turned that one back on, the game crashed in moments. I turned everything else off again except that, and it crashed nearly instantly upon logging in, while being the only addon active.

I’ve now turned everything else I had on before today back on except SUF and it hasn’t crashed again yet (about eight minutes as of writing this).

Weird, especially as Shadowed Unit Frames is actually updated for 11.0 already. Something must have changed in the maintenance today?

If anyone having this issue uses that addon, I suggest turning it off and seeing if it fixes it for you. Or any other unit frame addons you may have, possibly.

I’ll update this post if I get another crash with SUF disabled.


Oddly specific, but are you using 3D portraits on Shadowed Unit Frames? I have been until today, but I started getting the Access Violation Crash only today Jul 30th (I was fine for last week’s patch). I had suspected Details or Weakauras to be the culprits, but the crash still occurred with those addons disabled.

TLDR, I turned changed the SUF portraits to 2D & haven’t had a crash since. I did that on a whim because I recall seeing a reddit post where someone complained about the 3D portraits being a resource hog.

My full experience:
I had been encountering the Access Violation Crash this entire evening since the Jul 30th patch, but mostly on 1 specific character when he mounted up & started Skyriding. He would often crash soon after logging in.
I did similar things to you: did a repair, & then went with no addons enabled. Then started turning the addons back on 1 by 1. Changing the SUF portraits to 2D was just something I did while turning SUF back on & the affected character no longer crashed when mounting.

I do note that the 1 character that was having the crashes is on my favorites list (the campsite), but is the only one of the 4 on a different server than the rest. I was switching between them a lot to use the Warbank feature. So not sure if it was some weird interaction from that.