[solved] ACCESS_VIOLATION WoW Crash since 11.0 - (bluepost attached)

How’d you manage that without crashing if I may ask?

I’d imagine the issue would disappear for you after a short while, given the buyback doesn’t stay there indefinitely.

Started getting the same access violation error today on this character whenever I interact with any NPC merchant. Crashes right to desktop.

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I re-installed the game to see if I could fix it that way. Sadly, I made it even worse now lol. Now it crashes straight to desktop without me even clicking anything after it auto login. RIP!

Mac user chiming in here with crashes.

-Only One character (70 Human mage)
-Only happens when mousing over EPIC gear that has a model on vendors. (no crashes when mousing over trinkets/neck/rings)

Removed my weapon (2H staff) and the problem clears up. Reequip and it immediately occurs.

Did a repair, reinstall, etc etc no fix.

Having the exact same experience as this person, just different memory location and process/thread IDs. Extremely frustrating.

Fresh GPU driver reinstall, BIOS update, chipset software update, multiple scan and repairs, nothing working.


Adding onto this, was working on Loremaster doing Outlands and Northrend old quests ran into 2 quests that would crash the game with similar errors “access_violation”.

My last Report ID: 95FD0CB0-3A15-48C9-B4B0-2566B3DB97C4


Have just started getting this from opening vendors on the same toon. All alts are perfectly fine
Latest Report ID: 10228AE8-F35E-4695-8158-1151ED175285

Still no update from Blizzards end, this is making me sad…

My character Larryfine is getting this error from Izidormi the awakened item vendor , only on Draka server. on Lightninghoof server it works fine.
He does have a 2 handed weapon equipped , I have not tried unequipping yet.
When he clicks on izidormi its says ACCESS VIOLATION, memory cannot be read ! and the game crashes completely

Now spread to one of my AH toons. Can’t even open the mail without it crashing.

Edit: she’s a rogue, so definitely doesn’t have a 2H equipped.

I try to login, get about 15 seconds in, and it just with the access violation. This is my main, was fine early yesterday, now not at all.


Have removed the 2h and makes no difference.

Can login to every other character without issue.

Update , I removed the 2h weapon on larryfine and was able to use Izidormi the dragon vendor successfully. I really haven’t tried any other vendors on Draka server yet , besides the mammoth mount, so I don’t know yet who else will crash me.


Happens any time I interact with a vendor. Tried it without my 2h weapon, same thing.

Not very interested in spending hours trying to get around this.

Replying to myself to add Video of event


Wow I felt like I was going crazy. I kept searching for solutions after crashing with the raptor nest/feather quest but couldn’t find the exact error. Then I crashed when I tried to turn in a quest in the Stockades so I went as far as uninstalling/reinstalling WoW.

So after crashing a third time randomly during a quest in Silverpine i decide to type in all 15 zeros and bam this post shows up and now I feel validated. Thank you!

Hopefully they figure something out.

Just for note:
I am running a Ryzen 7 3700x with a x570 mobo and the steps I tried to fix my problem were (not in any order)

  • Uninstalling/Reinstalling WoW
  • Repairing WoW
  • Updating BIOs
  • Turning XMP off and on
  • Disk Cleanup
  • Running SFC
  • Adding .OLD to WTF and Interface folders
  • Turning Graphics down
  • Running WoW as Admin

And I’m sure there are a few more but that’s off the top of my head. Good luck!

Edit: I found the culprit for the Silverpine crash I think, the quest “Relios the Relic Keeper” and the reward Codex Breaker is possibly causing this issue.


Thanks for adding me. This is exactly the issue I am having. I have pretty much done the steps OP has done, including installing a fresh copy of WoW onto a computer that has a fresh OS. Still same issue. I initially got the error on Protectors Molten Cudgel. Put in a ticket after a couple of back and forths they removed the items from my bag. then I found a list of items in my bank that caused the problem. All of the items with issues are weapons (like Mallet of Zul’Farrak and Brewfest Stein cosmetics). I also picked up a couple of other weapons today that are in my bags causing the crash. Hopefully a fix is imminent.

Changed Specs and removed weapon and the crashes stopped. Went back and the crashes start again. It is absolutely something to do with the weapon. Changed specs reequipped 2 Hander and crashes happen remove 2 hander crashes disappear. For reference I am using Arctic Warden’s Greatsword (but I don’t think it is specific to that weapon). I do think it is an issue with the comparison of the equipped weapon and whatever weapon you are hovering over.

I’m having the same issue. This one is dealing with my guild bank Gear items on my Disc Priest. Was trying to remove some items to disenchant. when my Access Violation happen once the day before and today. Had no issues with my Hunter after running Iron Docks 3 times.

my error code:
I tried using /use Old Whitebark's Pendant and it crashed.
I tried clicking it in bag and I crashed.
The item is a crashing one dangerous.
Linking it by using /script DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("\124cffffffff\124Hitem:23228::::::::70:::::\124h[Old Whitebark's Pendant]\124h\124r");
doesn’t crash game.

I got a crash using Old Whitebark’s Pendant also.

Curious, linking like that just shows the item info correct? It doesn’t pull up the comparison window that shows what is already equipped. That would stand to reason that the bug is in the comparison code. I guess we are stuck waiting for a hotfix. Maybe tomorrow with maintenance.