Solution to the consorship

im just wondering when they’re actually gonna work on new content. literally a whole year of chorelands and only 1 patch with a raid and a tiny island of horrible dailies.

I mean, you’ve always been able to turn off emotes. The ‘toggle’ has always been available.


You don’t prove or disprove anything on here. All you do is act like you have a superior right to offer your suggestions to people. And then when they don’t take them you get super butt hurt and lash out with a intellectual dribble.

You’re about as smart as a bucket a hair and every post your type proves it further and further.

You have a viewpoint, which is extremely obvious, and that’s fine. But when others don’t share it don’t act like you are better than everyone else. Because I got a newsflash for you, you’re definitely not.

Oh, and I hope you did well on your great vault today. I’m not completely full of maliciousness.

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If me being blunt is a problem for you, there’s an ignore function. But as your post just proved, I’m not the one who has an issue here.

You just literally lashed out after I very calmly responded to your views on employees.

No one on here is better than anyone else. We’re all just gamers with different lives. You’re the one who took it personally and became outraged enough to first be dismissive and then rant.

If you were upset by the head pat, then I’d suggest not acting to “bored” dismissive when someone responds to you. I mean, you claim you want to talk about your views, but then you just go, “yawn, bored.” You were snarky to me and I returned in kind. I apologize for that. And I’ll just refrain from interacting from now on.

Enjoy your day, hope you get some shiny things and I hope you can enjoy the game, too.

Source: Blizz employees tweeting about it.

It literally came out from the horse’s mouth and people are fighting you lol


In addition, I would like to be one of the people who believe that the majority of the problematic employees are gone, and that the remaining ones want to do what’s best for the affected employees, while also providing players with some things we have been asking for. This means that I tend to believe the remaining employees when they say things.

It’s not just one thing. There are a lot of concurrent actions going on.

Also, to anyone who thinks this is the only thing being done for the employees, they have their relief fund, and possibly more items from their list of demands being looked into. We don’t have all of the details, so I’m not sure why people are speaking so authoritatively on this.

I also agree that these are no big deal to me and other players, but that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t affect someone else in a bad way, having been employed during a frat-boy toxic environment. Employees vs customers should never be a decision that a company should have to make, but fair, safe workplace environments should always be at the top of the list.


Also from their news page on the website. :slightly_smiling_face:


which is it then? a bucket or a hair?

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Ok, I tell ya what.

I love you. You love me.

I agree to be nice and cut the crap.


And I mean it. No trolling. No BS. Honest.

Neither. I squashed it. I don’t wanna be bored anymore. Change of heart.

I’m both the bucket and the hair.

And I’ll try to be a little less blunt and will do my best to not come across so poorly.

It’s a pretty tense time around here and you’re right, I don’t make it any easier.


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We have the blue post explaining their reasons for the changes.

You can either take that blue post at their word or create an imagined story up that you have no evidence for.


Well, you have a new friend now.

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You can’t take anything they say at their word look at how they treated their employees.

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You don’t know what the author of that blue post has done while working for the company. Why assume they are guilty of mistreating other employees? There are alot of people working for blizz who are just victims or are innocent of any crimes.
Are you seriously painting every employee as a predator or guilty of harassment?
I’m really confused by your comments.

There is a toggle for that it’s just people don’t want to use it and destroy the RP community by wanting it completely gone.

And this is why many people are leaving, for satisfy people who are not their consumers, the problems of the company should be solved in the company without affecting the consumer. :man_shrugging:


All of this is to stir a controversy storm so large that we begin to hate on those who triggered it. Rather then look at Blizzard and demand they fill the reasonable requests of their employees.

We are being played like a fiddle. And these old charms that never really hurt anyone are being sacrificed on the alter of distraction.

Hey Blizzard are you going to treat your employees fairly at all?

Unfortunately, I don’t think Blizzard will go for this. We may need to support the creation of an addon that restores the old content to its original state.

They will be banned because they will fall into the category of modifying the game (IP).

The best you can do is write these jokes in macros and use them like that in the game, or something like that.