Solution to the consorship

Here’s a solution: stop doing it and revert every single change made since they got caught being naughty.

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Imagine taking a position that valuing your customers is more important than attempting to make ammends with your employees (which is what these changes are).

If these extremely minor changes really upset people this badly, they are free to go elsewhere.


Why remove it when they could’ve included low res male models?

Why are fart emotes offensive when there are numerous ways someone can harass players?

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lmao none of these changes have anything to do with “making amends with the employees.” It is nothing but political VIRTUE SIGNALING. Probably the absolute worst virtue signaling I have ever seen.


They’re literally changing these things because of internal polling. Did you even read the article?

What about the /fart or /spit emote is political?

Quit using buzzwords that you don’t understand.

That’s the long and the short of it, isn’t it? When they drive everyone off with pointless changes and lack of content, enjoy playing your dead game. Stare over the wreckage of what used to be great and realize that you were OK with all the changes.


Isn’t that capitalism 101?


lol you’re a very gullible person if you believe that.

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They have no intention to play the game. They want WoW dead like every other “problematic” hobby that have been infiltrating over the last decade.


Do you think the content team is the same team who handles these minor changes? They are capable of creating new content and change these things. 9.1.5 is already loaded with changes that the playerbase directly asked for. What else do you want?

Literally yelling “fake news” as your answer. Uncanny. Like I said. :popcorn:


These changes don’t affect gameplay. Literally at all. If you think the game is dying because of these changes you need a serious reality check.

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What an asinine hypothesis.

If it were that then its simple virtue signaling which that and $5.00 gets you your favorite Latte at Starbucks. Removal of /flirts /emotes and “toilet humor” hurts the overall game because it restricts interactions in a game that is supposed to be social (SOCIAL, not SOCIALIST)

If it isn’t that, then it does not affect them but poorly reflects on the overall brand of the company as they are being seen for the hypocrites they are because they are attempting to restore their public reputation (not possible as the only thing that fixes that is time and short attention spans) by saying look we are changing and in the process of that change removing coarse humor and double entendre and sexual innuendo not because it really is harmful but because some frothing at the mouth The View host thought it might be. By succumbing to the leftist hysteria, they ruin the brand, and further debase an already declining product.


They are not really removing any content… just stupid things no one really care about except some RPers


SJw’s are never happy, they just move on to the next made up problem over and over again until others become as miserable as they are. History has told this story.

We told you that /spit was only the beginning, you say “oh it’s just 1 emote …”
The developers aren’t gonna be happy when they get laid off due to no subscriber income. Their foresight is as consistent as their ice cream cravings.


The employees are adults. If they don’t like what’s in the game they are free to work somewhere else. Companies are made to profit off their customers not to make the employees feel better when they get the big sad.


Couldn’t agree more.

While there are limits to the actions one may take as an employer or as a coworker, the company exists, and most folks jobs exist, due to profitability of a business entity and the pursuit of profit. The “toilet humor”, /flirts, and /emotes are part of the fun of the game (its demographic is teenaged boys and girls and adults of mostly twentysomethings after all). Removing those reduces the products ability to reach its audience and thereby removes or reduces its overall profitability.

A company should not ever reduce its overall product viability for the sake of keeping its employees from having their snowflake feelings hurt.


You are very out of touch if you think young people interact with each other using emotes and slash commands.

They’re using discord more often than not.

I’d be surprised if young people use in game chat at all to interact


A common attitude of “only I matter and who cares how the people who make my game feel” that I’ve seen around here. I think it’ll be good for the game to see this type of toxicity go.

Probably since child labor laws, unions, etc all went into effect ages ago in this country. If you think it’s okay for employees to be miserable and slave away in bad environments to make you a game… I don’t know what to tell you.

False equivalency.

It’s specifically written by Blizzard. On their website and on everyone’s precious Twitter.

It’s not hypothesis. It’s fact.

Y’all can rage all you want. But in the end, what’s done is done and you’re taking a video game way too seriously. As I said earlier:



So bored.

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It must be so exhausting to always make ridiculous posts and act like you’re bored when someone calls you out. Such a hard life of acting so dismissive. You poor thing. pats head

Good luck in the real world with that attitude.

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