Solution to the consorship

why not let us post with twitter on here… at this point it’s literally reading the same dumpster from the same people with the obvious targetted agenda.

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There is no proof of the opposite either.

It’s easier to just remove it. No one will miss a few silly emotes.

Well, more accurately. Who did the original devs make the game for?

The players.

Who are the current devs ruining the game for?

The players. Making it something for themselves. I mean, more power to them if they’re the only ones playing in the future.


Could you be more of a diva?

These changes don’t ruin the game.


Bringing real world baggage into a mechanism of escapism is a good way to ruin a game.

We enter the world of Azeroth - where nobody cares about your sexuality, religion, or so on they murder you as an equal if you don’t fly the right colors.

Except if you’re Rhonin and being threatened by the Church of the Holy Light for being a filthy arcane user.

I don’t want the baggage of the real world sat in my lap, especially for the actions of a group of people who aren’t related to me. My escapism and my fantasy world shouldn’t be ruined because some 30 or 40 year old dudes couldn’t keep their hands to themselves. Period.


your right but it gives people a sour taste when they log in

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How do these changes affect that fantasy world/setting at all?

It’s a few lines of dialog and a couple of emotes.

If that’s all it takes to break your immersion you were very immersed in the first place.


I don’t know. Let me step into your house, randomly change the carpet color, change the speech patterns you hear any time you step in or interact with someone.

Let me change what happens every time you get in the car. Albeit, just a little bit at a time, good sir.

Changing how we diss on people for PVP, when faction conflict has been a thing since 2004 - kinda insulting.

Changing jokes we’ve been hearing since 2004? Kinda dumb.

Removing emotes and changing emotes we’ve been hearing since 2004 to fit a modern audience?

Well, clearly, things aren’t meant for the people who were playing the game since then. They’re trying to attract this new, hip audience that, everytime someone else has - they’ve lost severe amounts of money and businesses have gone bankrupt over chasing.

Twitter isn’t real life, if you want to lose money, focus your marketing on the people who moved there from Tumblr. Nicole Simpson can’t rap, I want justice.

Peace. I’m out. -Mic drop.-


Again, you’re being a bit dramatic. They changed 10 things tops. In a game that has thousands of assets and voice lines, they don’t exist. It’s liking going in and changing 10 individual fibers in my carpet.

Slippery slope fallacy.

At the end of the day, I think it’s extremely childish to be this worked up over changes that mean literally nothing. If this is the straw that broke the camel’s back then I really feel sorry for you. The fact that this works people like you up so badly is genuinely sad to me. Take a long look in the mirror and really ask yourself if this is worth being this worked up about.

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It’s not a fallacy if it’s true.

-Returns to pick up mic and drop it again.-

A fallacy only applies if it is an actual fallacy, not what is happening.



What is the ultimate end game that blizzard is moving towards that you’re afraid of?

You a made up a boogeyman and you’re afraid of hypotheticals.

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Now people will just have to make macros to replace them. You can even improve upon the original emotes. Really just waiting to see /e removed entirely. lol Or else you’re gonna get:

/e Brushes up against literally everyone simultaneously and farts. Like so hard. Your eyes are now burning. lol owned

Kind of like when the commissioner of the NFL came out last year and said they were going woke whether their fans liked it or not. He actually said they were happy to lose fans that didn’t support their new agenda and claimed they’d make new fans.


Going woke lmao

You people are something else. Good TV.

The black national anthem (which no one ever heard of before)
Allowing players to put the names of criminals on their uniforms
Putting racial slogans on the sidelines and in the end zones

If you don’t see what’s happening, you’re just pretending you don’t see it. Viewership is WAY DOWN in the NFL, and it’s not because of anything else but wokeness.


So many people do not seem to understand this.

These changes were about people at the company being bothered by people on their team creating NPCs called Master Baiter. Like how do you go into a board room with all guys, who probably did “cubicle crawls” , and just be happy there’s a NPC called Master Baiter.

It’s really not a hard concept. These dudes allowed for a culture of sexual harassment, and they non-chalantly added that culture of sexual harassment into the game, so even if you were a dev and could escape their personalities in real life you still would have to code and work with their toxic behaviors in game from their silly little jokes.

These arguments of censorship would have a lot more merit if the sexual abuse stories weren’t real. Unfortunately a company in a male dominated industry decided to treat women as objects vs people. Shocking!


Is it really so horrible to you that they sing a different song before a game? How many NFL players are criminals themselves? Oh yes, the extremely controversial take of “black people matter”

Who cares?

I see what’s happening and it doesn’t bother me because I’m not a petulant child who cries at the site of any change at all

I drew a parallel between the NFL, which is shooting itself in the foot, and WoW, which is doing the same thing. Imagine taking a position that making your customers mad is a good thing. Stop being a white knight.