Even as someone who got it just doing once a day on one alt I was leveling, it should totally be on a vendor.
Feels unfair to people who literally spammed it and got nothing, while I get it putting in a fraction of the work
Even as someone who got it just doing once a day on one alt I was leveling, it should totally be on a vendor.
Feels unfair to people who literally spammed it and got nothing, while I get it putting in a fraction of the work
Raises hand and pitchfork
But seriously it is dumb. It took me 12 years to get the mount. I got the saddle day 3 or 4. I feel like the drop rate on all things in general is a lot lower than previous years.
Ive only gotten a handful of squashlings, 2 swords and 2 helms. Meanwhile every year prior, i had countless pets at least 10 swords and helms. And thats running it every day on at least 10 toons from day 1 to end date.
Which leads me to believe that they lowered drop rates and used hardmode as an excuse to “raise” rng by such a small margin that it is negligible.
I went all in on this holiday, because I really, really wanted Arfus. I ran the damn boss 30+ times a day. I switched every possible tank/healer character to that spec for faster queues. (Sorry to the one group I accidentally ended up tanking in ret spec. We were fine, but I was seriously burned out by then.)
I never saw Arfus or the saddle.
How this holiday (and all holidays) could have gone:
HC can be used to purchase:
Also, HC does not vanish at the end of the holiday.
Yes, this could cause an inventory nightmare, but it also means you can make steady progress, even over multiple years, towards a goal.
Will someone with 50 max level alts reach the goal faster than someone with 1 new character? Absolutely.
Does the person with 1 new character have a shot at reaching that goal first with a lucky RNG roll from the holiday boss? Absolutely.
It is NOT fun to go 10+ years trying for a mount, watching it drop multiple times for your friends and guildies who can’t even trade it to you.
Right now, I have 1533 Tricky Treats across all my alts. I probably deleted twice that many on alts who I knew would never reach the threshold to buy anything that might be of interest. I already have enough masks, wands, and candy to turn the Dragon Isles into a landfill.
Of all those alts, three are somewhat close to the 150 Tricky Treat minimum to buy anything that might be worthwhile, like duplicates of the pets I already have or the new cosmetic that I’ll never use. As for the rest, I’ll log in tomorrow, and the Tricky Treats will be gone from their inventory.
And I still have no Arfas.
Just let us earn currency and buy them… get it from the dungeon then you’re lucky. Use your currency on other stuff.
They have picked the lane that they want this stuff to be rare, and they want the boss to be easy, and they don’t want people to think of rewards as a paycheck.
My preferred solution is to give the mounts/pets/whatever rare reward to be mythic raid mount rules (guaranteed 1 per kill), only from a special mythic version of the holiday bosses: No queue, and it has the HP/Damage numbers of a +25.
That would go counter to their stated goal of reducing the advantage someone who has 60 characters and time to run them has over someone who can only do 1. In their initial post acknowledging that people didn’t like this, that was an area they specified as one that they would focus on improving.
But it’s a bad argument, not based on logic.
That’s not how you proceed with making productive changes. “We have some really great ideas, and a few morons yabbering about nonsense.”
HEY!! Let’s ignore all the facts and just listen to the fools!!!
I know it works for Fox News but … we should endeavor to aim higher.
I mean, the current argument that a low drop rate cosmetic is “disrespectful to players” is equally ludicrous, and it’s gaining a lot of traction and support lately.
You don’t need to have everything, and it’s ok (good actually) that there are things you don’t have that you want.
Combine that with people wanting stuff because it’s rare (notice how almost nobody complains about the cool stuff that’s super common), and people will argue that making it common reduced the value the item in question had because of it’s rarity.
As I said in my previous post, the better idea is to give it a guaranteed chance for 1 member of the party, but only from a non-queue version of the boss that has M+25 HP and damage numbers. Then you can either grind the RNG version and hope to get lucky, or spend that time improving and do the actually hard version to get it very quickly.
1> Blizzard themselves has ruined this as an argument, and so I refuse to accept it.
2> But let’s ignore that for the sake of calm discussion. Assume I agree with you, I’m still going to argue that deterministic gameplay is what’s FUN! That every time we devolve to RNG … the game is worse for it.
I think every example proves this true. I think every person pleading for it on the vendor is highlighting this fact.
No one “wants it for free.” No one said “50 Tricky Treats.” People were suggesting A THOUSAND!!! You know how long that takes???
The whole “u juss wnt it fur free” is such a pathetic trope. NO ONE is asking for that. WE JUST HATE RNG.
Being able to set a goal and then achieve that goal is IMMENSELY fulfilling. That should always be, in some form or fashion, how things are rewarded in WoW. It makes people want to play the game MORE!!!
RNG … SUCKS. It makes people play LESS.
Why is this so hard for people to understand?
I did 150+ runs with all curses, no Arfus. Saw 5 people get the mount.
So, here’s an explanation as to why they don’t want that:
When rewards are too deterministic, the excitement of “what will I get from doing this” goes away. It goes from “every kill has some excitement possibility” to “nobody cares what drops, because you’ll just get in on a vendor in 2 weeks”. They want people to care about drops.
I mean, judging by all the GD comments, it’s made people play a lot more than they otherwise would have over the course of this event.
Probably close to 2 years, but are you saying that knowing you’re starting a 2-3 year grind isn’t going turn off just as many (if not more) players than you possibly getting a bonus cool item for a doing a thing?
You can’t care about it if it’s just RNG.
I mean I’m only a minute in and his first slide is already disagreeing with what you’re saying. lol (edit: I just watched another minute, and he’s now EXPLAINING why you’re wrong! Did you even watch this??? lol
I could expand from there but … I don’t feel the need. gg
Meanwhile I wanted the saddle and that eluded me. Trade ya?
I just wanted the dragon skin…
Deal. Name time and place
Just have arfus crated up and ready to go.
It probably will be in there…OR…
wait for it…
wait for it…
wait for it…
Try again next Halloween!
Just tried for the 65th time… no Arfus. 2 more tries then, well, that’s all folks. face cry
Edit: Well, 67 tries and no Arfus. I will have to say that this has been one of the most disappointing and disheartening holidays I’ve played in the game in over 15 years. Sure I wanted the mount but the fact that it took me about 10 years to get him was ok. There have been very FEW items in this game that I really, really wanted but Arfus may even top Ashes in my want list.
It’s heartbreaking that this pet was locked behind a ridiculously low RNG as well as a level gate. It truly took all of the fun out of the HOLIDAY for me and all the others who so badly want this PET.
As Brocknor said above, no one wanted it for free… no one wanted a ‘gimme’… just a goal with an end in sight.
Well done, Blizz. (/sarcasm off)
If only it was cageable and tradeable!
Exactly. Like I’d be fine running ICC 50 times if it guaranteed invincible. I’m not running it 50 times if there’s a possibility I get nothing for it.
Sorry to hear you weren’t lucky.
Yup, just wait until next year.
I mean, here’s the thing.
If you’re not playing next year, then the pet doesn’t really matter at all does it?
Sure, I would have liked to have had it drop this year, more as a “why not” thing, but it’ll be back next year.
I don’t know if folks were getting them or not. Folks were dropping group so fast, I dunno if folks were opening their pumpkins or not. I never saw it drop in my < 20 runs, but that doesn’t mean it didn’t.
I do think the pet should have a higher drop rate than the mount, but that’s just me.
Next year, gives me a reason to run HH. As a rule, I haven’t run holidays in years.