Solution to the bad rng of Arfus, HH, dragon skins

I have the horseman, I also know people who haven’t gotten him in over SEVENTEEN YEARS and theoretically may never get him. So to say “well, next year MAYBE” kinda sucks.

I’m sorry you didn’t get the pup.

It also sucks that it wasn’t cageable like every other Hallow’s End pet.


Amazing. I expected the Hallow’s End event to end with the daily reset at 11AM today. Instead I log in 20 minutes ago to find all the Halloween decorations still up and Headless Horseman still available for queue. I queue and Arfus drops. My first though was that Blizzard finally came to their senses and extended the event with an increased droprate. But then I check on here and discovered that the event actually resets at 11pst. Sure enough, all Halloween stuff is gone 2 minutes later.
Blizzard just decided to troll me and make me wait until the literal last minutes to give me good rng ffs.
My condolences to those Blizzard was even less merciless towards.

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Lol Blizzard trolled me too. I remember getting the mount the last day, only it was BEFORE ACCOUNT WIDE MOUNTS AND IT DROPPED ON AN ALT I NEVER PLAY BECAUSE I HATE THE CLASS AND I COULDN’T USE IT ON MY MAIN.

I was never so mad to get a rare drop in my life. Thankfully, they made mounts account wide later.

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Maybe a system where when you kill a boss that has the chance to drop a mount you get an item, lets say a totem. Then when you get 100 or 200 of those totems you can go to a vendor to buy said mount. Then if you get the mount you chould use the totems to buy xmogs. That way people still farm the content with an end in sight…

I said it somewhere earlier and I’m going to repeat…

There should be nothing in a game people PAY TO PLAY where ownership of said item/mount/pet/gear/whatever is dependent solely on luck or chance. Everything should be available to everyone through SOME path to ownership, regardless of how easy or how (reasonably) difficult. I say reasonably because there are people in this game from teens to (last I heard) in their 80’s.

To put something (let’s say Arfus as he seems to be even more popular than they presumed he would be) out there… dangling behind a veil of stupid low RNG plus a level gate is not just cruel, it’s wrong. To take more than the current season to obtain on a pet is not reasonable.

I’m sick of the arrogance in comments like “get over it”, “there’s always next year”, “it’s just pixels”, “you don’t have to have everything” and so forth. People want what they want and have every right to believe that there is a reasonable route to obtaining it.

To those saying “you just want it for free” … what did ANYONE pay for it? Did it cost you gold? Did it cost you tricky treats? What, do tell, did it cost you? Some of you “paid” one run and got it. Others “paid” hundreds of runs and didn’t. Tell me that’s fair.

Here’s a solution: Introduce a new way to guarantee the pet and the mount, a new special version of the headless horseman.

You can’t queue for it, and the curses have been removed. However, it has 673% more health, and does 673% more damage. If you can kill that version, 1 member of the party is guaranteed to get the pet and the mount.

For people who don’t wish to attempt something that might actually be hard, they can continue to queue for the RNG chance at mount/pet.

That’s one option… but I also said “reasonably” difficult… maybe a bit less health and damage :wink:

Ok, I’ll lower the scaling from +25 fort to +22 tyrannical.

We definitely needed another thread about a pet. It’s a pet. Why are people losing their minds over a pet?

“It’s just Pixels. Who Cares.”

With that logic so is your Mounts, Gear, Transmog… Why even boot up wow and play. No one cares its all just pixels on your screen.


I mean if not getting certain pixels is going to turn your life up side down, perhaps you shouldn’t be playing the game. It clearly isn’t good for your mental health.

And when a certain piece of gear upgrades don’t drop in Raids and M+'s that also turns your life upside down. Clearly not good for mental health.

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Exactly. Instead of playing video games you should be working on your mental health so you aren’t so easily triggered by such trivial things.

Eh. I spent more attempts in Dragon Soul for the Blazing Drake (Which I still don’t have >:C) than I have on any holiday/event mount.

It’s okay for some things to not be guaranteed, you just need to take things at a more manageable pace. Doing an event 20+ times a day is a quick way to get angry or burnt out when you don’t get something, yes, maybe try not giving into that compulsion.

Doesn’t bother me at all because spending 3 minutes or less per day attempting something isn’t a major investment of time or effort so would be less angry if I don’t get something. Didn’t get Arfus this year, oh no. Did get the dragon armor thing, which would never get used, and already had the mount from years prior, which never gets used. World doesn’t end if event passes without having 100% completion.