I think the problem is Blizzard needs to pick a lane.
They made the post on the forums about the Love Rocket drop and it gave people false hope. People are still dealing with RNG for all the holiday mounts and it doesn’t feel to them like anything has changed, which was supposed to be the point:
They should have increased the drop rates for the first drop for all your characters or just sell every thing on the vendor for high holiday currency.
I have never seen so much hate and blatant rude sarcasm as I have in some of the comments regarding Arfus.
People have not only given suggestions but have given perfectly reasonable validation for those suggestions. I see some people commenting who must be truly miserable people, trolling just to add insult to injury.
Who are you to tell anyone to “deal with it.”? We all want what we want and we are all entitled to our opinions. Comments like this are exactly what I’m talking about in my comment above.
This was a point I raised in an earlier thread. However it was suggested to me 2 things to combat it:
To make the loot pumpkin from the HH could drop a chunk of candies thus making it still desirable to do. E.g. first run of the day could drop 50 candies or some such.
Blizz could…now stay with me here…release new content every year thus ensuring people keep coming back every year??? Mount recolours they love to do? New mounts? New toys? Pet recolours or new pets? Achieves? etc.
If I did I like to think I’d make the drop rate even lower and require 15 renown with all factions as well as a 200k price point just to watch GD explode.
They will if the rare stuff sold for the amount of candies that you would get from max or majority participation.
Arbitrary numbers here: Let’s say the mount sells for 1000 candies and the only way to get that much is to get all the candy buckets, do the dailies every day and kill the HHM every day.
Lol well it was a good point. Someone might have to take one of their ten kids to the hospital or do overtime at one of their four jobs. Because, you know, they have a life.
Thats good to know. I hit the dungeon super hard on a ton of alts so that completely killed my motivation to get buckets beyond the new achiev.
Another prime example of killing fun lol. If I knew the pet was purchasable, i would have still run the dungeon once daily and then flew around and got every bucket… vs running the dungeon hundreds of times wasting a ton of time trying to get the pet.