75 atm and yeah Voidy can’t hold aggro I just gave up on him and use my Fel Puppy instead to get extra damage.
That being said, Honestly I kill things so fast other than a lot of rares being 80 for some reason I haven’t needed to tank to much. (Destro/Hellcaller)
Conspiracy theory time: They do this on purpose every expansion to mitigate the inherent advantages pet classes would otherwise have in being able to solo mobs others couldn’t.
I’ve got a friend who played beta that said after all the tank nerfs, pets were better at tanking than tanks so Blizz nerfed pets into the ground too. Unexpected side effect, pet classes now having a bad time. Who’d have guessed
Hopefully Blizz gets around to fixing this soon.
Lol I was actually thinking about that when I typed that reply. They are probably next. They’ll be taking crazy dmg spikes out of nowhere while having their sustain gutted.
Edit: or get their dmg gutted so that it takes 10 minutes to kill tougher mobs
The blueberry has historically been a low level PvE tank pet for questing and survival until you learn stronger abilities. I don’t think it was ever designed to be a main aggro holding pet after a certain level (you should be using things like imp for your dps rotation).
Hunters are intended to be the more pet-dependent class of the two, where the pet does all the tanking and aggro holding.
Warlocks are thematically supposed to take damage from enemies (that’s why we have self-healing, are the tankiest caster, and have HP-sacrificing abilities). Hunters are the stand back and turret class.
voidwalker is supposed to be a tank pet, that is literally the entire purpose of it. that’s why it has a taunt and increased threat generation, the ONLY point of that pet existing is to hold threat in world content
and warlock is the tankiest caster because it traditionally lacks mobility (which mage has) and access to frequent self-healing (which priest has), obviously the spec has things like healthstone but drain life is worthless and most other forms of self-healing have been removed from the kit
voidwalker is currently a useless pet, either due to tuning or some kind of threat bug
Use Succy her slow mitigates more open world damage than any pet and her stacking damage buff means she does more damage than the other pets Plus her seduce helps versus gankers
I wonder if your pull strategy is the problem. Don’t single target like other classes have to. Start pulling mobs with Agony and Corruption/Wither and once you have a few (or all the ones in range) rapture them down as a group. VW should have no trouble distracting them from you as you’re running around and then you only take a few hits as you finish them off. Healthstone as needed to compensate for burning rush and maintain your pull speed.
Yes that’s the theory and how I have played aff for 20 years on and off in the 10 years total I have subbed in that time period.
It worked exactly that way in DF with 0 issues but not now.
Also, as I said, this is also happening with single targets at 75-80, with it being worst at 80.
It’s definitely broken and not working as intended.
Additionally, the fellguard for demo holds aggro fine at all levels, including 80. And that’s despite the demo openers, dreadstalkers and HOG both being AOE skills.
It seems that threat generation for a pet doing damage is fine, but not the “taunt” based aggro generation the voidwalker relies on.
Agreed, the Void Walker’s sole purpose is to tank.
It’s what they’re there for and what they’re supposed to be the best at, especially at the start of an expansion when you need them the most!.
Void Walkers should at least keep aggro off Aff Warlocks. I still believe they should have a threat burst as part of their Command Demon skill.
Working on level my Lock now, who was 61 when TWW started. Going into TWW with all of 200k HP is the norm for those that didn’t have a fully decked out end game warlock ready to go when the expansion dropped. I leveled without a pet and the start was pretty rough. When I started to break around 1m HP is when I started to actually feel like I could safely AoE pull without dying and even that required me to cycle my CDs on pulls.
Not everyone is going to start fully geared and those players won’t be able to just run around free DoTing everything. Sadly as well for those players Voidwalker is absolute garbage that isn’t worth the Soul Shard required to summon it. In general unless you are demo I would recommend just going grimoire because over all none of the baseline pets are worth anything imo.
I just noticed today, Threatening Presence is no longer being auto-cast on my voidwalker even though it is set to auto-cast (Always keep this effect active)
No wonder I couldn’t get him to generate any threat!
Really? That would definitely explain things if this is the case for everyone.
I’ll have to try some open world aff again, since I gave up on it and only use aff in dungeons these days.
Edit: Well, I tried it and threatening presence IS being auto-cast by the VW. It shows that it is on the pet’s ability bar, but I also turned on the pet health bar to make sure, and it’s there constantly as well.
Its value probably just sucks or is bugged because it was the same as in my OP: 2 dots and rapture on a single target and I have aggro.
I’ve been complaining about this for years. They destroyed VW tanking a long time ago (I think Legion) when locks were soloing dungeons. Afflock is basically a mage without the cc kit now. If they are resolved to never fix VW, we need something like feign death or misdirect to decrease agro like hunters have.