There’s something weird going on with the Voidwalkers that can’t hold aggro.
And I’m not just talking about doing massive pulls. Even on single target at level 80 and without using Malevolence. I get 100% aggro from just the dots and rapture.
It was noticeably bad right from level 71 or thereabouts, very bad from ~ level 75 and up, and just horrible with me getting aggro 100% of the time at level 80 with any single target mob. Additionally, the Voidwalker is very high maintenance now and needs to be healed constantly.
I’m also playing Diabolist demo on a second character although still at 73. I have zero aggro issues and the Felguard barely needs healing.
There’s definitely an issue with this iteration of the Voidwalker under the hood.
im only level 73 at the moment but i have the same problem
As a Survival Hunter I’m having the same problem, my pet can only keep aggro for like 3sec before the mob go for me, I need to use misdirect and feign death and even that only buy me a few more sec before it change back to me!
(haven’t tested BM but since most of there dps is from there pet they probably don’t have it as bad as us)
things are lasting long enough to need pet tanking? what? I am legit running around the zone just spam dotting and everything dies before it has a chance to break through Fel Armor/Soul Leech.
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I don’t have EA, my lock is still lvl 70, same problem. I was trying to kill a world boss in SL, immediately pulled aggro and the Voidwalker was left smacking the boss while I got slaughtered.
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Voidwalker is an obsolete pet
good, im glad you’re better than all of us, im honored that you graced us with your superior presence thank you
You are simultaneously ignoring both the point of the post, and the somewhat rhetorical question.
Unless you are dramatically under-geared, have no idea how to do deal damage, or just want to do everything the most scenic/difficult way possible… I am struggling to understand why someone would NEED to have a pet out to tank mobs, or have general difficulty killing the vast vast vast majority of mobs in any of the leveling zones.
blueberry sucks . . .
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They’re called level 80 elites and some pack a punch.
IDK if you’re trolling or just too sexy for your shirt (in your own mind in forums at least.)
This has been a problem for Destro before Hellcaller, so I’d imagine Hero talents just make it worse. After SL, the VW seems to have difficulty holding threat, especially when it comes to Destro.
It’s possible that getting better gear might improve that, but as it stands, Blizzard really need to boost the strength of the of the VW threat aura, or add a threat burst to its Command Demon talent.
Voidwalker hasnt held aggro for numerous expansions now. How is this new to you?
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It did just fine in DF for afflocks anyway. Destro is whole other story because its damage profile is just more up front so it grabs aggro easily.
Primary pet damage is too undertuned for aff and destro in general. If I just look at my most recent 40 combat sequences, the pet is about 2-3% of my damage. I’d figure a pet should be doing more like 6-8% instead. It’s not like I’m pulling huge and just mindlessly AoEing stuff down either.
I understand it’s passive and not the most interesting, but I feel like the more hero talents and power they add, the more the little homies get left behind.
Speaking of aff, i wouldn’t recommend starting the leveling journey from 70 as affliction. At least if you’re wearing near bis DF gear.
Reason being is, your stats from 70-75~ are so good ( especially at 70) that mobs die super fast.
When i leveled my lock i wanted to go aff first but realized the other two specs are faster at that level range.
Diabolist demo if you want a tanking pet, nothing’ll pull aggro off the felguard and hellcaller destro just wither + shadowburn build legit one shotting normal mobs which resets shadowburn thus you can chain oneshot mobs, it’s significantly smoother than affli until you’re beyond the 75 range.
76+ affli starts getting stronger, i’d say its about equal to the other 2 specs until you hit 80 then it edges ahead.
They really need to do something about the Voidwalker.
Why is it okay that if you go into destruction, for multiple expansions, that you have “accept” that the tank minion… Isn’t going to tank for you? Why is that okay?
Why is it that the only reliable tank minion we have is locked behind Demonology? The Felguard has, and always will be, the premium tank minion. It takes a lot to pull off a felguard unless you turn off its aggro abilities and even when you manage to pull off him… he gets the aggro back immediately.
Unlike the Voidwalker, where if I even glance in the direction of my enemy I have aggro and its beating me in the face while my voidwalker stands off the side shrugging its shoulders like “Yup. This is happening.”
It honestly feels like the people(s) in charge of our class development, want us to be Demonology. That everything else is sub-par, and you will feel it. No matter what spec you may actually want to be in, Demonology has been tailored to be the best.
Want to easily solo with a reliable tank minion - Demonology
Want to do good DPS - Demonology
Want to do any group content - Demonology
I want to play as Destruction. I enjoy it. I like the spells, the green fire… But man, having to face tank every single mob… It’s like “Why do I even bother having a tank minion out if I’m just going to end up face tanking anyways.” And if thats what our class is supposed to be, is some face tanking class… Then give us better armor. Give us better abilities. Make our class be able to face tank.
I mean heck, they nerfed the majority of our survivability things to nothingness already. Soul Leech is a shadow of its former self. I had more soul leech as a level 70 during Dragonflight then I currently do as level 80 with 3.9 million hp.
No, it’s just as bad. They messed something up with pet aggro, it’s more noticeable in AoE situations where even if my pet is Stomping and Kill-Cleaving all enemies multiple times, one Mend Pet and half the mobs will head straight for me.
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Well, glad to see it’s not just me. My voidwalker is a formal shadow of himself. There was a time when he could hold aggo off three elites and not break a sweat. Now, he’s fighting like a little kindergarten schoolgirl as his health drops faster then I can heal him; which is pretty hard while you’re being ganked by the mobs he’s suppose to be holding aggo on.
If you’re going to nerf our demons into the ground then give us some healing that is actually working, like Drain Life or Healthstones that actually heal again.
As for Leprevenator, I’m calling BS, unless you have enough gold to buy max gear out of the AH right out of the gate. I’ve be a lock since vanilla and to be honest, this expansion reminds me of the beating locks took back at the launch of BC when we were nerfed into the ground.
BM main, can confirm the same issue here. Which makes no sense given that pets are most of our damage. Single target aggro is ok for a handful of seconds but if the fight lasts at all long you peel. AOE aggro doesn’t exist, even talented into everything and with multiple kill commands. A single mend pet will peel everything.
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Came here to talk about this very issue. Sent my voidwalker in to a single mob and I didn’t attack at all at first. It concentrated on me almost the entire time even without an attack. I finally started my attacks when my life was halfway down.
And yes, his life goes down way too quickly. And drain life really blows.