Soloing with Hellcaller Afflock - I keep pulling aggro

In Legion both the Voidwalker and the Infernal (Grimoire of Supremacy) never had issues holding aggro off my affliction warlock.

Early in BfA was a very different story. A single cast of Corruption would sometimes leave my Voidwalker unable to peel aggro off my warlock. Other times it could hold aggro to an acceptable, but not good, degree. There were complaints from some, but not all, warlocks on the forums at the time. It got better as the expansion went on (maybe related to how utterly starved we were for secondary stats early in BfA?).

In SL and DF I found the Voidwalker hit and miss, with regards to holding aggro, throughout the expansion. It was a major part of why I focused more on playing Demonology while soloing.

I wonder if they need to modify the aggro generated per point of damage modifier for the VW. Perhaps they should bump it up higher than that of the Felguard. They’ve previously made such adjustments to player tanks. Maybe it is time to increase the ratio for the VW to overcome how little damage it deals.

I think the problem is that we are expecting the void to keep up with the felguard with threat. It’s not possible, they use two different tank methods.

The felguard is part of your dps and has a threat amplifier aura. This works well as the harder your dps with him the more he holds. However if he’s flattened and you have to resummon he can’t catchup to your threat.

The voidwalker uses his taunt on cooldown if he doesn’t have agro. Taunt forces the mob to fixate for a few seconds on him the go back to agro tables. Taunt also causes him to inherit your agro value plus a little bit (5-10%).

The Trick for getting your VW to hold agro is the hit like a mac truck (full rapture cycle) before his taunt kicks in. One or two of those and elite is glued to the VW. Timing issue.

Note: some mobs are immune to agro tables or taunt mechanics and just come after you.

Soulburn will boost your heal on him to the point where you’ll top him up in a tick or two.

Hope this helps

Yeah, I’ve done that with a macro for a long time.

I’m mostly doing a comparison between DF end game which I played for many months and TWW. I had zero problems in DF. I could tag 10 mobs and the VW would hold aggro just fine.

This just feels weird now, playing essentially the same way I did in DF.

It’s a gearing thing. At the start of expansion we have a more rough time, by the end of the first season buffs/nerfs have happened and we have decent gear (and often set bonuses).

Affliction’s scaling is pretty good. But gear is needed

Im level 16 on a new lock and my VW is trash. Needs heals after every battle and 50% of the time my dots alone take aggro.

Adjustments have been made! Thank you, Blizz:

Haven’t tested it yet, but I hope that does the trick.

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Ive read a couple posts testing it and some are reporting it still sucks

Still doesn’t hold aggro at all lol

Yup. Whatever they did, if anything, was totally insignificant. It’s still pretty well the same as when I started this thread.