Soloing with Hellcaller Afflock - I keep pulling aggro

Working on level my Lock now, who was 61 when TWW started. Going into TWW with all of 200k HP is the norm for those that didn’t have a fully decked out end game warlock ready to go when the expansion dropped. I leveled without a pet and the start was pretty rough. When I started to break around 1m HP is when I started to actually feel like I could safely AoE pull without dying and even that required me to cycle my CDs on pulls.

Not everyone is going to start fully geared and those players won’t be able to just run around free DoTing everything. Sadly as well for those players Voidwalker is absolute garbage that isn’t worth the Soul Shard required to summon it. In general unless you are demo I would recommend just going grimoire because over all none of the baseline pets are worth anything imo.