Solo shuffle quitting

This is in development. Or at least it was being considered at one point. From what I last understood, they were going have the Solo Shuffle count for rated play in next expansion. They may not be doing that now or they may have changed their mind entirely. I don’t know. To address the problem you’re talking about, leaving the match means you automatically take the loss which will impact your rating somehow. The degree of that I am not certain. Any way, that is the plan to deal with this issue your talking about.

The best thing they can do is let the quitter get zero honor/conquest and give the people who stayed their rewards based on how many rounds they won. I mean I’m not the one that quitted so why do I get punished?


agree it shouldn’t make everyone else lose their rewards

guess they are trying to avoid collusion to feed wins to friends or something, like in rated if someone quits to avoid a loss to others it will be massively abuseable

This might low key be the way to go. I thought I was the only one who just tried to win 3 so nobody would rage bail.

Someone who knows the facts. Now it’s up to you to understand them. It’s super easy to Honor cap multiple times a day. You could honor cap in 1 hour. At the very least should be getting 6-8k honor per hour though.

It works out pretty well, IMO. I guess some people want their 1337 win % for Drustvar, but once I get my 3 I just goof off to get them over with.

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This reads like somebody who got their first ebg win of the day in 8 minutes and extrapolated or something.

Literally impossible. With a 4-6 minute queue timer to get into an epic bg, most of them last 20-25 minutes. You’re looking at 2-3 max epic bg’s per hour, and you’re assuming you win every bg.

A loss in an epic bg is 400-500 honor, with the first daily win giving 1200-1400~ because of the bonus and then 900-1100 after that. You would be extremely lucky to even get 3k per hour.


I got won a Wintergrasp in 11 minutes and got roughly 850 honor. Around 10 minutes in the queue.

I usually buy 6-8 chest that cost 2k honor from the honor vendor a day casually playing a little bit after work.

That’s super low and must of not done anything in that hour. Sorry but you can get 2k+ especially in Ashran in a win with Frag turn in. Honor is literally raining down there isn’t anything to really do with it all. Wish they would raise the cap too 100k or something.

Teach me the ways honor god

Shuffle is the only way to potentially get numbers like that. If healing just let hard matchups end and move on to the next asap, don’t keep that little 60k hp sp alive for 3-4 minutes.


Yeah that’s what I figured, because doing the math with queue times and the length of BGs. It definitely seems impossible.

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Even then you’d probably still need Ally honor buff, but yeah tank/healer solo shuffle is the only way to come close to those numbers.

Wow just @ me

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Yeah, friggin’ tryhards like Kasius ruining solo shuffle for the rest of us! Lol

Nah I feel you tho I honestly don’t look at HP and don’t see the point in making one person miserable for 6 rds

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It’s taking me like 6 queues just to complete the 15 quest (which again the numbers make no sense - why is it 5 for the first quest and 15 for the second, when shuffle has 6 rounds…).

People quitting after 2 sometimes.

I purposely go after the most geared player, the undergeared dps won’t be able to land a kill and an undergeared healer won’t be able to keep up with my burst so might as well let them play the game.

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You roll the dice when joining solo shuffle in the hopes you won’t be the weakest link. When they see themselves with 80k hp and everyone else has 100k then they know they have no chance so it’s not worth staying for the 129 honor.

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