Solo shuffle quitting

11 of the last 13 solo shuffles i’ve done for honor people have quit after the 3rd round.

out of 13

You have three reliable options to grind honor in WoW:

LFG RBG’s where you spam lose with players who are so bad they must not be at their computer

Spam Q Solo shuffle and get kicked out after waiting 8 minutes

Or Q random BGs, the most insuifferable of them all.

World of Do nothing in Oribos-craft


Yeah the solo shuffle leaving is getting really bad


Why after the 3rd specifically? Do you no longer get the deserter debuff and just requeue?

That’s around the time the weak link has been established and realizes that the next three rounds are just going to be them getting dogpiled and killed so they pull the plug.

Well, anywhere from first to third.


I’ve had people leave after the 2nd round, it was never this bad before. What happened?

I mean I’m being a bit general, maybe very game isn’t exactly at the 3rd round but it is anywhere from the 2nd-4th becuase thats when people realize they are going to spam lose.

Also you can /camp at anytime and not get deserter.

Idk man it feels so garbage that i’m forced in to RBGs with people that literally can’t play WoW or Solo shuffle where I get zero honor after sitting 8 minute Q’s its so disgust

The “if i dont get honor, no one gets honor” mentality

It has seemed to get markedly worse in the last 2 weeks.

Pretty much this exactly, coupled with the fact that everyone likely found out they can /camp without getting deserter.

Blizzard setup bad parameters. The reward for losing isn’t enticing enough to make people stay and get bullied. Even matches I’m winning I usually throw some rounds to get people to not bail.

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3 of the last 4 since i’ve posted that have quit after 3

I’ve actually never done anything in my life that disrespected my time more than World of Warcraft this is actuallyy *(****ing insane

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To be fair, that’s going to be the case whether people AFK or not. This game is a disgusting time sink. Lol


Did they ever fix the /notgonnasayit macro that allows you to afk out without getting deserter?

I’m experiencing the same thing, except they leave the last round. The punishment isn’t even that bad either.

I get happy knowing if I win all 6 rounds even the guy getting dog piled got some honor lol

Yeah you can tell by the third round f you’re gonna lose 5 or 6 matches and then there is no reward worth staying for

Just trying to save precious free time at that point

Bliz should not have made loser rewards so low

If you’re only there for conquest then you’re even more likely to bail if it looks bad

Nobody has time for bliz to waste with bad systems, it is entirely bad bliz design at fault


maybe people wouldnt quit if it wasnt such a terrible experience?

game devs do your job!

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Nobody is forcing them to queue up for a 3v3 deathmatch.

You are both wrong. The second weekly quest only needs 15 total “games participated in” to completed the quest. Win or loss does not matter.

6 + 6 + 3 = 15

Meaning halfway through the 3rd set of 6 you can leave because your 2nd weekly quest is now done. People are just selfish and only care about the quest, not other people’s time.

They can immediately fix this issue by making the quest require either 12 or 18. :man_shrugging:


Yeah, that might do it. You’d still have partials, but probably fewer.


This isn’t the issue at all.

You shouldn’t get much for spam losing.

Leave if you want, but you should be on account wide deserter for at least an hour and the people that don’t leave should be either put in to a new instant Q, or they should auto fill the person that left with someone else.