this would make sense
this is just petty
this would make sense
this is just petty
I have been playing through this with a new resto druid in half honor gear / half crafted gear and its miserable to heal. At least as a DPS you can dogpile the weak link about half the time, but an undergeared healer will usually go 0/6. Not even close to worth it as a healer, which just makes the queues even worse.
Yea why would anyone stay when they need honor and cq for gear but lose every round and get 165 honor so wierd can’t see the connection. lmao
I play healer and I quit a lot of solo shuffles.
If someone makes the game overly aids or is exceptionally bad, I’ll just leave.
Had a paladin that would wings and bubble immediately as the gates opened. Asked him not to do it next game. He told me to screw myself and did it again. I instantly left.
Like if you go in and you’re so obscenely bad that I can’t play with you I have to leave to save my own mental.
I’ve had Rogues that don’t evasion, people who never use any CD’s at all, people who afk at the start of every round. I’ll just leave and requeue and get an instant pop if you make it too aids.
lmao, you’d be great at designing a failed game
keep up with those out of touch tips buddy
Ive seen far less people quit when its a healer instead of a tank.
When rated solo shuffle is out, ban tanks, and then rating will sort out the matches
you’d be great at designing a failed game
I don’t get much for losing in League and if I leave then I’ve got to wait 20 minutes 5 times to play again.
this ain’t league buddy, this is a mmo where constant progression is a mandatory part of the loop or people quit
not remotely the same
and then you’ve got fortnight with honestly massive rewards for losing and it does fine, same with COD
but none of those really have power/gear progression grinds
this is a mmo where constant progression is a mandatory part of the loop or people quit
Losses giving good rewards just results in more people soft afking. Also abandoning a match having a stacking penalty is fine as it’d punish constant leavers and not so much people who only have to dip every now and again.
that is literally a potential in all games but it actually works out fine most of the time
it is bad matchmakers that cause that generally, again peeps feeling like time is being wasted and no hope
Q random BGs, the most insuifferable of them all.
BGs are the best part of PvP
It’s easy to get 50k honor a day. Especially with Epics. Not to mention the Epic Quest for 1,000 honor inside the BGs like Ashran. Every time you turn in Frags in Ashran you get Honor as well. You can literally just farm Honor.
Solo Shuffle is the worst part of PvP right now. They really shouldn’t of done it.
I just end up buying Tokens at the vendor for 2k honor cause I’m always capped.
again peeps feeling like time is being wasted and no hope
Curious to see how hard it craters people to leave ranked shuffle.
It’s easy to get 50k honor a day
It really isn’t for most people, lol
I say this as somebody with more than twice your little honor level.
It really isn’t for most people, lol
Just stating a point. You can easily get 6-8k+ honor an hour. You hit Cap a couple times a day and have to just blow it on stuff. How many hours you play is up to you.
There have been times where I have got Honor cap in 1 hour. Just saying you have an overabundance of it.
You can easily get 6-8k+ honor an hour.
I THINK solo shuffling should be 1 round at least in ratings when that comes out.
Yes. You get 1200-2k honor an Epic. Not counting extra honor in the Epic. Do 4 Epics in 1 hour and tada… Not to mention if you really romp the other team and get 5 Epics or so in then you can get Honor cap in 1 hour.
overall, big picture, degenerate game system design directly increases degenerate player behavior
another example is destiny, get almost full rewards for most losses - game does fine in most ways although it does have some grinds that have too low of rewards and the activity empties out fairly quickly
you can’t punish players into liking your game more, nor can you punish players into ‘enjoying’ that you are wasting their time - there can be small motivations but eventually you are just adding even more friction to something that already has too much which has led to players bailing
another great example is gonna be rated solo shuffle where the bottom will empty out if there aren’t sufficient rewards for losses
if your game experience isn’t fun, you need to reward the time spent - or just make your game better so players aren’t enduring bad times just for the rewards
overall, big picture, degenerate game system design directly increases degenerate player behavior
This is always true. It’s like people honor farming in Ashran and not PvPing. Just turning in Frags to the NPC. Or AFKing, Or leaving cause it’s more efficient than staying because you can Que something else.
You can leave a Solo shuffle and just Que a BG and not waste time.
I’m talking with a hidden alt poster and a 1500 exp tank
Where’d it all go so wrong