Solo Shuffle and "The Healer Problem" - This is a LONG ONE

I think only DPS games at solo shuffle (if no healers available) would not be that bad.

Actually, as game is now 100% focussed on press buttons at lightning speed, it would be maybe even a bit fun.

I love you so much James.

Literally came here to say this. Healing in WoW is way more like playing quarterback than it is goalie. You have WAAY more altitude on whats going on for a multitude of reason, you are more aware of what CD’s you have as a team and what CD’s enemy teams have in response by the very nature of your position in the arena. It’s insanely fun and rewarding.

Problem is you guys are Q’ing shuffle and equating that to arena when its’ like baby arena with training wheels attached where the game wins itself automatically at the 2 minute mark regardless of who did what and when

Sure. Have you tried playing QB with a bunch of socially incompetent mute troglodytes?

Healing is fantastic when you have a regular team that communicates, I agree. That is not the reality of SS.

I don’t agree with OP post at all. I love playing a healer in WoW. As a matter of fact its all that I play now.

Solo Shuffle can be a bit frustrating on heals but now that I stopped playing resto druid and went over to HPal its a lot better and I was finally able to climb up out of the 1600-1800 range. Hoping to get duelist this weekend. RDruid is in a really bad place right now it simply cannot compete at all. The hots can’t even keep people up through sustained damage half the time.

The biggest problem with WoW pvp I see right now is boosting. Because blizzard allows boosting the 1600-1800 range is complete cancer. If you can get over 1800 the game gets way better but the 1600-1800 bracket is filled with rank one tournament players who are either piloting or throwing games. Its absolutely awful and its keeping casual players from enjoying the game.

This is my entire point of the post I recently made

I’m trying to suggest systems where healers aren’t required for a queue to pop rather than everyone wait around (in solo shuffle or LFG) and it driving new players away,

If someone is new to arenas/RSS, they should start at a lower MMR. They shouldn’t begin their arenas/RSS experience with consecutive 0-6 games.

Again, I don’t care about individual anecdotes. I’m talking about a systematic problem, and how the general tendency of the population affects everyone.

My post isn’t saying that “No One Likes Healing at all” my post is saying that “Vast majority of people do not like healing, and the statistics show it”. I don’t think you can refute that by saying “But I like healing”, I spend an entire paragraph addressing this.


It’s not QB in shuffle. Like Jimmy said it’s babysitter for drooling toddlers that can’t play the game.

I don’t advocate for shuffle and I sure do not waste any time Q’ing it because unlike you guys when I experience something I don’t like I stop doing it.

That would need to slow the pace of the game down significantly and then add like triple DPS solo queue. Way it is now triple DPS would be way too fast paced. Or add in AI healers to fill the gaps when healers are on shortage

“Vast majority of people do not like healing, and the statistics show it”

That isn’t a true statement at all. There are a lot of reasons that people don’t like to heal solo shuffle and a lot of it has to do with the fact that its one healer vs another every round so it makes it really tough to go up in CR. A lot of games are stalemates ending in a 3/3 in which you get no rating at all. Also, damage has scaled up to the point that it is really difficult to keep people up during burst windows and when you can’t you get cursed out by a toxic community.

Face it man WoW pvp is pretty much dead and I told you why I think that is the case. Boosting. No one wants to sweat it out for rewards they cannot get because people can just pay highly ranked players to beat them out for those rewards. It’s very discouraging and most people quit rather than trying to get good enough to break the 1600-1800 bracket. With such low participation numbers you are going to have long queue times regardless of the dps to healer ratio.

what does that have to do with what I said?

It’s absolutely a likely true statement.

  • Why do you think Overwatch Healer queues are faster than DPS queues?
  • Why do you think finding a 2v2 or 3v3 team to queue with as a Healer is much easier?
  • Why do you think M+ finding a team as a healer is much easier than DPS?

You can say correlation doesn’t mean causation, but you’ve have a harder time finding a different explanation.

People always focus on Rewards, but honestly rewards are only good enough to get people to try stuff they normally wouldn’t. Getting people to stay and keep playing requires keeping the game actually fun.

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You’re absolutely correct btw but you need to remember the vast majority of forum goers here are boomers who dont understand the nuance of what you are saying. They also vehemently hate change in any capacity even if its detrimental to themselves and the game as a whole.

Dont get too out of shape for these people and just let them be stupid.

Yeah cause you know 6 wins against 4 2k rating people and you 1680 only give you 80 rating…

Since blizzard does not ALLOW links unless it’s a shill let me break it down.

Player 1 0 Wins 1678 rating -69 rating change
Player 2 3 wins 2028 rating 0 rating change
Player 3 3 wins 2029 rating 0 rating change
Player 4 3 wins 2033 rating 39 rating change
Player 5 3 wins 2026 rating 1 rating change
ME 6 wins 1675 rating 88 rating change

Holy **** my dude. You won 6 - 0 in a 2k DPS lobby, but you and the other healer were only ~1700, so the game gives you a measly 88 rating. Nice. Sounds fun.

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That sounds pretty good aside from horrible healer/dps mmr mismatch due to lack of healers.

That is a huge problem though in terms of how to assign rating.

If you were 1.7k healer with 2, 2k DPSes vs another 1.7k Healer with 2, 2k DPSes, if you won 6 matches in a row your healer would basically get a fast pass to 2K because the game recognizes not that you just defeated the other healer, but also the fact that you fought in a pool of thirsty 2k DPS.

It goes back to the problem where in SS Healer and DPS Ratings are incomparable, and it makes matches feel more RNG on top of all the other factors like Healers not being able to score kills on average.

Dps mmr isn’t taken into account because imagine being a 2400 healer in a 1900 game and losing 200 mmr for a loss and gaining 0 cr for going 6-0

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but 88 rating is not a reward enough to deal with 2k dps when a healer is 1700ish

But you have 2k DPS of your own