Yeah, it is.
and that’s why i stop playing healer at 1800 why push when i get this garbage.
No, I think you misunderstood
When you’re an 1800 healer playing against 2k DPS… Your team also has 2k DPS on it
For the fun of the game you pay to play? For queue times under a minute?
Sure… but im saying that 88 rating for a 6 game playing at that rating is not a big enough reward to continue and this is why healers just don’t que.
Yeah but if im just bouncing back and forth making no progress why do that.
For that to be true, "most healers"would have to be morons
What progress do you make watching a sunset? Listening to good music?
Stop doing things for fun that you don’t find fun
Nooo, that’s not the issue at all.
fun as in grind the cancer for 1800 so you get the Transmog and yeet the toon after 1800 cause you don’t have to deal with that toon for the rest of the seaosn.
Why on earth do you even want to get the mog then
nvm i just uninstalled the game cause im done dealing with not getting enough rating and then getting screwed by blizzard with cancer matches when im so close and have to restart again.
Good for you. Have a great day, buddy
The solution is simple, I honestly don’t understand why it has taken so long to implement:
Make it so healers get a “Victory” condition, adjusted to smaller than usual rating increments, by winning 2 out of the 6 rounds. Instead of 3.
Removing the “Rating Unchanged” possibility when winning (even if it means +1), for everyone, would also help.
They need make healers feel they important to victory at same level, or even above, an DPS.
An example: In a game where 3 DPS are okay, and one DPS is really bad. This game, in 99.9% of cases will end like:
3 / 3 - heals
4 / 4 / 4 - the “avarage not bad” DPSes
0 - the DPS bad one
No matter how good that healer is, he will NEVER be able to score a win when playing with that “bad” dps.
In other hand. If you swap one of the avarage DPS for one “above avarage” DPS. Then. Maybe… JUST MAYBE… That one really good DPS may carry the bad one… At least one victory. Probably against the healer that did a one mistake, or so. Or just was unlucky… Or playing with the weaker healing spec or whatever.
4 - the healer won
2 - the healer losses
5 - the badass DPS
4 / 3 - the avarage DPSes
1 - the bad guy carried by the badass
Here’s the point where, you’ll see a really good DPS was able to do what a good healer will never be able. Carry a bad DPS.
It shows, matematically, how healers is lesser important than DPSes.
In WoW, and in any game… Where an role dont feel they is able to lead the game to a victory because how the game is designed, will lead to nobody play that role.
And yes, I have played mobas like DOTA and HON and even there, its ok, healers and supports are less popular, but still, they able to lead to a victory, when in right hands.
In wow… As healer… What you feel is… If the game dont do a mistake and put a healer that is a lot less skilled than you, or a weaker class, you have 0 chances to win.
It’s unplayable to heal RSS because it will match you with people up +/- 400 mmr from yours. Getting higher lobbies for me feels great, and low lobbies feel awful.
Why would I ever play when my MMR hardly influences the lobbies I get placed into? Being forced to heal people far below your skill level in order to climb rating is NOT fun
What if we all spammed “Contact Support” and make a ticket. Do you think this will get their attention? Because forum posts do not seem to be doing the job…