Solo Shuffle and "The Healer Problem" - This is a LONG ONE

Just in general. In the depths people are more likely to not press but this can’t really be fixed.


Well, I’ll say that’s true IF people are pressing properly… But the amount of casuals and lower rated players needed to saturate the ladder (so we get faster Q’s) has def fallen because of how demanding and fast-paced things are.

I’ll take Boomy as an example, because that’s what I play. Performing a damage test duel usually lasted a few seconds only, but a proper duel where each pressed their cooldowns and utilized their entire toolkit lasted many minutes, and did feel “more chess-like than rock-paper-scissors”. (But it’s FAST, and I can see why it’s discouraging)
That’s how it should be, but you can’t rely on every player performing perfectly all the time. I’d say that goes for LFG too but esp in RSS. If you have 2x 100k dps burst windows going on someone, many times that will escalate very quickly, and won’t end well.

I stand by what I said a few weeks back: Given the current burst levels and pacing, the CC nerfs were a mistake IMO. If you are trying to peel someone specifically in RSS, most times (from what I’ve played, and seen better players play) you’re on a no-return backfoot and better hope to oneshot someone before they oneshot your teammate, simply because of how high damage is and how short most CC’s have become.

Edit: but to tie back to the OP proposal, I think people calling to “remove healers, times have changed” indicates a profound design and balancing issue, IMO resulting from uneven tool un/pruning, and a MoP-like attempt at a fix that went wrong. DF feels fun to me, but many players say otherwise as evident by the deflated numbers and long queue times. I think the design is fine, and skillful, but something has to be done about the average players feeling overwhelmed and losing in a 3 sec stun trying to figure out where they went wrong. My point is it might be happening more than before, and it’s not exactly friendly towards bringing new players in… Maybe it’s just a Solo problem, or at least is exacerbated there because of how the bracket is designed.

If we want participation to increase, we gotta hammer at the core issues behind why DF discourages players. Above are just my two cents, but I’m no expert. It looks like we have til Oct-Nov, so I hope inflation and end-of-season goals bring more queues :slight_smile:

Healers don’t get enough points.

That’s kind of all there is to it.


If you put aside their complaints about being unable to save people in Solo (leading to game-changing hypotheses such as OP’s), I’m with you 100%.

Regardless, the myriad MMR issues are equally terrible. Overall, I wish it inflated more, earlier, and allowed the usual 3k players to get there, maybe with new tier rewards to grind so that the rest of the ladder will reflect the skill curve it takes to get there more reliably. Rank-security alts plague the ladder, making it seem slightly less barren than it actually is…
Was last season TOO inflated? Maybe, but I think that’s better than what we have now…

Every lobby being double hpal forces every round to last a minimum of 2 minutes

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:dracthyr_uwahh_animated: Heavens forbid the match lasts this long~!! :joy:

I thought they were nerfed… maybe not enough?

I mean, removing healers WOULD solve the queue problem, would it not?

But that is not what I am proposing.

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this game is the slowest pace its been since bfa.

What expansion are you talking about? this is dragonflight.

Indeed, Dragonflight, the expansion where you have to play fast as a blizzcon champion to get your previous ratings because of deflation, but it’s more rock-paper-scissors than chess, because if you put your 100k dps burst into a target with a 2 sec oopsie cc not only you’ll win, but the enemy healer will complain on the forum that CC is too long. :+1:

So you want 3v3 dps in solo shuffle? Not going to work.

Say what you mean then.

Did you even read the text you quoted?

If I was implementing a Solo Shuffle-style game outside of World of Warcraft I would never include purely healing classes in my game.

“Outside of World of Warcraft”, literally means if I was implementation Solo Shuffle as an independent game outside of WoW I would not have pure healers. That isn’t saying that healers should be removed from WoW. This is basic reading comprehension, especially when context is provided in the statement you are quoting.

So you want 3v3 dps in solo shuffle? Not going to work.

I mean, in theory you could do 2v2 DPS/Tanks only when not enough healers are on, and then do 3v3 when a healer is available.

You talk like you are right all the time but in reality your original post is just a rant because you cant reach 1800 again.

This has already been suggested.

You have not provided a single good argument against what I said. You simply complain and insult like an insecure Karen trying to speak to the manager.

But sure, I’m complaining because I can’t reach some rating. Got me.

I suggest you look at your own arguments and check your own reading comprehension because resulting to poop flinging won’t get you higher rating and deeper insight into the healer problem.

Your capacity for holding an effective discussion is non-existent. I’d absolutely hate to be your boss.

Why are you projecting your insecurities on other people?

Bingo. Deleting healers isnt the play. Accounting for the fact that the rating system is unfavorable for them (relative to dps) is.
Well that and adding an incentive so theres more entry level healers queueing would help (such as a healer specific mount after x amount of games or w/e)

Are you 14?

I have no issues playing healer in Rated. My only issue is ppl just taking turns with cc and stuns, spamming fear, cyclone and such… We are supposed to heal through damage and keep our team alive while also doing our best to reserve mana… But this isn’t the case anymore. Whichever team can cc or stun the healer 17-20 times per round or match wins…

There is just simply too much cc and not enough CD’s… I mean the cc trinkets are useless.

I mean, at least in shadowlands, we had the Gladiator’s Fastidious Resolve But they got rid of it which is sad, and seemingly gave the skill or whatever to Evoker as that nullifying shroud or whatever.

Oh well. Blizzard doesn’t seem to care much about pvp… So it is what it is.

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I still think high burst is the problem that’s making shorter CC’s landed properly more noticeably valuable.
I made a post a while back about introducing a defensive bonus to distinction,
maybe indeed something to help healers uptime will fix things… that, or buffing them.
Dampening would still help keep games from becoming TOO long IMO?
But the PvE globalling as precondition to reactive no-brain CC has to stop. It just feels like a different game now. It’s always been about CC setup and cooldown trading enabling damage to finish off opponents. Now you’re micro CC’ing praying to stall 100k dps x2 going on you/r ally. No wonder healers are having the hardest time.

We need to see tests, numbers, more communication.
As the comment above me suggested, there’s not enough care about PvP going around.

Im glad people are finally coming to the awakening realization that healers in wow are (one of, at least) the biggest problem this game has design wise.

Removing them is a big obstacle however because the majority of the remaining players are boomers who hate any change period. There are still people to this day who say cringe stuff like “revert x back to map” or “remove x class” because it changed the way their 50,000th WSG or Nagrand arena match played out.

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