Solo players vs "solo players"

Enjoy, god forbid every piece of gear in df doesnt turn into tier, among other gripes in comments

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I’m a solo player, I don’t give a sh/it about anything in this game, I just run old 5mans and raids, wish they’d give a speed buff in legacy content and a port back to beginning of instances.

My interest for WPvP is to ensure that the gear disparity is as low as possible so that I stand a chance to compete against the dungeoneers, raiders, honor buddies, and pillar humpers.

Much like a hysteresis loop, me taking the solo path(the bottom line) and others taking the grouped path(the top line) will cause a rift in terms of gear. I will gear slower at the start(point D), but getting towards the latter part of a season(somewhere close to point A past F), I like to be close in gear to the “mostly saturated” group-based content doer.

*No doubt this means that the middle of a season is the worst for the soloist, even though the soloist went through the hoops of standard gear progression. But what starts to happen after that is that the groupers start to slow down, particularly when trying to farm out BiS. The soloist, once they get decent gear on their own, may have limited time opportunities to get the gear they didn’t get right away, which then collapses the lines.

So no, I don’t expect to get the best gear just by doing WQs alone, but I do believe in gearing hysteresis…

h ttps://

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a human troll, how droll.

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Op,I know it’s Sunday,but you can be a little more clear, I solo and don’t want the best gear in the game I want the best gear possible to play the content on that difficulty, If they say it is solo it should be said it is a solo and not a group content and not say so about

I’d only ever want to see one Herioc level drop across all WQs personally.

Like one every couple of weeks or once a month, so I don’t have to spam all those dungeons for a box instead.

Giving it to us all up front is like turning on god mode the first time you play Jedi Academy. You might have some fun but it’ll get dull quick (at least until you get killed via Rancors or sand worms when you discover the codes to spawn monsters).

I think I get what he means.

I consider myself a solo player, since I live in Portugal and can’t play with my guildmates due to time differences.

I queue for my stuff, I make my own groups and I get what I want out of the game (mainly the M+ mount, then I ease down a bit). I play alone, but do ocasionally use groups for whatever I think will be faster in a group (elite quests and whatnot).

That said, my wife is the DEFINITION of solo player. No groups, no group-content, no guilds, no invites, etc etc. The woman wants to play some sort of SPORPG or something, I don’t know. She does her quests, her world quests, professions, and logs off. That’s the game for her and I think it’s great that WoW has the option to be the kind of player you want to be.


What if you cosplay as Han Solo while running a raid/dungeon? Does that make you a Solo player?

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Just watch the forum bots pile on you lol This is a close a thread to that Jiglesworth sr. mount that the cry babies couldn’t get in lfr

World content players should have access to a Lfr ilvl equivalent source of tier set through the catalyst and a deterministic world content source, as they have in the previous two patches (ZM and Voti).

The current source of catalyst eligible world gear is 2-3 chances at a pool of 20-22 items depending on spec. On average it will take you 10 weeks to get 4set but could easily take up to 15 for as many as 1/5 people. Then if the transmog set is your goal then frankly it’s not feasible within the timeframe of this tier as you’ll need 9 discrete items from 2-3 1/21 rolls with no bad luck or duplicate protection.

It shoulda been one deterministic piece a week and I think that’s something to complain about.


Yes, this is what I mean, to me that’s what a solo player has always been. I bet your wife isn’t complaining that she isn’t getting raid gear from the quests. It’s good to see someone understand.

Do you mind clarifying whhat you mean by “Isn’t getting raid gear from quests?”

You’ve been able to get raid gear from quests / world content since the catalyst was added to the game.

The method sucks this time around, but it’s not anything new.

Soloist. Guild went to classic. Brother went to classic then quit. Never said I need 441 or whatever the current upper limit is. My Shadow Priest is currently 408, will probably be 415 if I can replace my two lowest pieces of gear, and I’m absolutely just fine with that.

There is exactly enough world gear in the game right now as far as I’m concerned. If it went back to BfA levels I wouldn’t mind, but I’m not ready to complain about it either.

Just because I’m 99% solo (I don’t even pug, I queue though) doesn’t mean I can’t have a power fantasy or know what character efficiency is. I have every reason to push my gear as far as I possibly can, once I hit a plateau and feel like there’s nothing more to improve I need to change characters at that point or unsub until next update.

Gear is the game. The people who think soloists shouldn’t have any gear are basically saying they shouldn’t be allowed to experience character growth. Yeah, I could probably solo in 376 greens, but if greens were my upper limit I’d just buy the boe ones as soon as I capped and then be done with that character.

Having somewhere to go with your gearscore even if it isn’t to the moon is integral to the gameplay, you can’t separate it out or there’s literally nothing left. Anyone who thinks otherwise is wishing death on the game because if you screw up open world, it will only make people leave who aren’t ever going to do the “hard” content.

Because I feel like not resetting the WQs every day is a step toward making the world emptier, I want that reverted. They had a good thing going since legion and there was no reason to mess with it. Currently I’m logging until reset because I’ve done everything I wanted to this week and there aren’t even fresh quests to keep me slightly occupied.

There should be at least a few things for me to do every time I log in. I actually am considering going through the venthyr storyline (only covenant I never got around to) it’s that sparse. When I do get gear from LFR, Fyrakk, even the world gear, it’s usually alright, there just isn’t quite enough to get me to play every day and that’s poor.

It’s a level 10 with 40 achievement points. Of course there is no point :slight_smile:

Ok I give up, what is the difference in your system between X and “X”?

I have been soloing this Warlock for the past 4 and a half days, Besides my Heirloom Gear all the other stuff I have on is from pure questing alone~ Detro’s are so powerful you don’t need anybody else while questing~

You are literally making up an imaginary player so that you can complain about them and get attention and engagement.

You tell them …