Solo players vs "solo players"

That is not true. Not everyone goes solo for the gear. This is my new Warlock. Leveled her to 30 in 3 days just to try out a new class I have never tried. I’m having a lot of fun and challenges by world questing… I am amazed how strong Destro Warlocks are. I don’t know what I will eventually do with this character, but I’m having fun Leveling her in my favorite zone Legion.
Solo players don’t need friends, If your a recluse in Real Life there is no need to feel out of your comfort zone playing alone. I have my dps pet to have my back :slight_smile:

I’m not even thinking about pugging anything. I just want to enjoy myself . If i get good gear I earned it. I have met many challenges in Azuna., Destro is the way to go…who knew -I do now.

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Legion is my favourite levelling expansion. The Broken Isles feel like home somehow.

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I think they meant it as there are people that do group content by queing / signing up to content by themselves then there’s solo players that do everything strictly solo (world content etc).

They 100% could have phrased that better. Individual player vs solo player probably would have made more sense.

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Maybe, a solo player has always been your first example not the wow “solo” player that just quests and expect the best gear.

I couldn’t care less about the advanced gear. I find I just don’t need it to play the casual game I like to play. As for friends, I have all of you here in the forum to warm my heart on an otherwise cold and stormy day.


Then you are a solo player/social player not a “solo” player.

I’ve been playing since 2006. I don’t guild, I don’t have friends that I play wow with. I don’t do high end stuff. I don’t do dungeons or raids, not my thing. I don’t expect all high end equipment either. I play for the fun of it, if anyone doesn’t like that, TOUGH…


Only trolls or dummies say stuff like this. Which one are you?


There’s also the bigbrains that do what they need to for collecting battle pets and all of you keep forgetting about us! :rage:

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Troll Posts vs. “troll posts”

There. Cleared all that up for you.


“Solo players” want the best gear in the game by only doing world quests. - said no solo player ever.


Im a solo player.

All i really want gear wise from the world is a fun and satisfying path to get the gear. And for the end result to leave you in a very comfortable place out in the world. This last part is more to do with how the world itself is tuned rather than the item level of the gear.


Is this a bad thing?

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Source: Trust me bro

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I pug every thing pretty much and no guild

Is there a way to link to these “solo” requests for the very best gear for doing world quests? I’d like to see one and judge for myself.


This is most of what I want too. Where does that scaling stop? We all know that people in heroic raid ilvl and above routinely trivialize most of the open world…move the scaling down to near the top-end of where the open world gear can go…otherwise the argument that “you get the gear you need from the open world for the open world” will keep on being a cop-out.

Also: that level be enough to step into beginning M+ runs w/o discrimination (that’s sub +5-ish for all the people who are going to jump in and scream about trying to run +4trillion in grey items and expecting to be carried), or “raiding” above LFR w/o being told that you need 100 ilvls above what the raid drops and an IO score showing that you don’t need to run them anyway (that was sarcasm btw, since I’ve been told a lot of people here can’t tell that sarcasm is being used and get easily offended that someone might be being a big meanie. edit: this, of course, was also sarcasm).

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I’m gonna disagree with you. I am a solo player. I belong to a guild with two members: me and my wife. I don’t do much group content, maybe a workd boss here and there using group finder. I don’t care about best gear. I barely care about mediocre gear. I haven’t even gone to the new cave zone yet because I am still screwing around with 10.0 content.

There are a lot of variations of solo player and it is disingenuous of you to try and lump them all into just two categories.

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Just scale all gear to be the same in random bgs, that way ubbergeared nerds can’t one shot casuals with their heroic pve trinkets and casuals aren’t told “if you want gear to survive the one-shots then go do mythic+, raid, or rated pvp.”


No we don’t. Grow up.