Solo players for heaven's sake

What happens when i get good at that conent and want to do something more challenging?

Sunday was yesterday homie, but good troll i laughed.

Then you do something more challenging

Not sure what the question is.

Like what content after that for a solo player?

You buck up and do that content. It’s gonna be group content. You’ll find that even in challenging group content you can do it with minimal communication. I pug mythics with almost no interaction with people whatsoever. I form my own groups. I pick who I want.

If someone is going to put in effort to come up with excuses why they can’t or won’t do that, there isn’t anything anyone else can do for them anyway. That’s a personal obstacle they will have to overcome or just stay stuck.

As other people have mentioned, they are making content that is more tailored to a player who wants a single player experience in a MMO game. I sure do hope they enjoy that. If not, oh well!

You accept you are choosing to ignore a portion of content in the game.

You either do this maturely, and realize that WoW is not a single player game, so therefor you are choosing to lock yourself out of rewards.

Or you try to ask for WoW to be turned into a single player game.

The entire game cant revolve around solo players.

Like I said later, I actually agree with having solo content in the game – especially competitive solo content. :dracthyr_nod:
I don’t think however – That they should “stop making social achievements” as the OP requested.

Kind of extreme of a spin, don’t you think? It would be nice to have progression for solo players though

blowing this a lil out of proportion there bud. Sounds like you’re the problem if anything. I play solo constantly and feel things keep getting better and better. follower dungeons. raid in new xpac is gonna have a solo mode.

You just an angry kitten.

But you dont play solo

No, its not extreme at all. Solo players do have progression. It just doesnt extend to the same reward structure as group/raid play. There is more content created with the solo player in mind than anything else.

Because solo play is required to be easy.

Mage Tower was the closest to an exception we had, and it required 5 or so different versions of it. And the difficulty was not kept, as it became trivial. Intentionally.

But it isn’t. It is harder to progress as a solo player, no?

No, its much easier.

Can you explain why you feel its harder to play solo?

Keep in mind, solo content is, by default, made easy.

How about you explain how it is harder to pug groups(content) than it is to have a carry waiting?


You made the assertion it is harder to play solo. After you back up this statement, we can move on.

I see why you play solo.

Well, it is better for everyone’s mental health this way, I suppose.

Who are you to tell me I don’t play solo? You have no idea. Sure I do an arena here and there and some bgs. thats queing solo. everything else pve i do solo.

I’m a solo player. Troll elsewhere, loser.

Due to my work Schedule, I cannot commit to scheduled raid times every week. Nor can I commit to days where I can form a group and push keys. So I largely have to PUG everything.

So by and large, I play as a solo player. And as a solo player, and playing DPS as main, I have been able to PUG AoTC and KSM each patch on 3 or 4 different toons. The gearing up process is fun, albeit sometimes frustrating when going for a specific piece.

As for not getting AoTC? I was able to get into PUG Normal Awakened Raids at 480i on my Elemental Shaman. And clear those raids in an hour and a half. To be honest, it took less time to run them on Normal, joining a PUG as a solo player than it did, Queing for LFR. Granted, I did have to perform my role and contribute and do a few mechanics, but all in all Normal is as easy, if not easier than LFR.

This makes you sound like you have the toxic view of the community. I have not had trouble doing Normal on ANY race/class combo that I have played. And I did play Survival Hunter for 2 Patches as a Main Alt… And was able to PUG my way to AoTC and KSM with that class/spec.

So all in all… This kind of feels like a you problem. If I can play solo and honestly I am probably a mid player, skill and ability wise, and still get KSM and AoTC pretty easily. Then I am pretty sure most other players can do it. Just have to get out there and climb the PUG ladder.

its an mmo