Solo players for heaven's sake


I started playing during Warlords of Draenor. I created my main toon on Dark Iron realm. THERE’S 0 ACTIVE GUILDS! Sure, there’s guilds there, but no ones ACTIVE. I want to complete the “Awakening the Dragonflight Raids” so I can get the [Voyaging Wilderling’s Harness] mount but it will be impossible for me as a solo player because on my realm guilds are dead. Even if I was to make a new toon somewhere else, the toxic community will only accept a certain race-faction-class toon with a certain ilvl and gear. Stop making social achievements when it’s impossible for solo players such as me. I do not care about cross faction cross realm guilds, that’s way beyond the point. I want to queue up on LFR, do every single raid on the awakened state and get the damn mount. Stop gatekeeping stuff.


That’s not true, pretty much anything is accepted into Normal pugs, but you will have an easier time getting in as a healer or tank in my experience.

Being solo doesn’t necessarily mean not being sociable.

You’re gatekeeping yourself with a mentality like that!


Have you even looked at the info on TWW? Like at all? Its going to be the most solo friendly expansion in the games history. I mean mean heck they are even adding a solo/story mode to Raids

You got what you want


Open group finder. Go to raids. Find group. Apply to group. Rinse, repeat until you are invited. Alternatively, make your own group in group finder, invite people.

There you go! Problem solved.

  1. As a mainly solo player, this xpac has been the best for my type of play style.

  2. Resulting of that playstyle, I found a guild that accepts me and is willing to help teach and gear me. I got my [Voyaging Wilderling’s Harness] easily because of my friends in the guild.

if your realm is too small to find a guild, sorry, but level up another toon on a higher pop realm. Not hard.


But it’s not solved how I want it solved!

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Long live the solos :fist:

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Being a solo player, one has to accept at some point you arent gonna get certain things. One just has to hope you get enough to get by and enjoy yourself otherwise take your business elsewhere until Blizzard or any mmo dev begs you to come back somehow with some crumbs now and then. Most MMO devs only relax on their social requirements when the bottom line is looming red.


Come to the Proudmoore server!

Plenty of people here that do PUG stuff! Que times are pretty good and it is a very populated server.

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Guess what Worldsoul saga will be aiming at solo players and they are slowly introducing features that is aimed at solo players in mind and making the game itself more solo friendly.

They. Are. Going. Out. Of. Their. Way. For. Us. Lately.


I’ll be breif.
WoW is an MMORPG …

MMO stands for = MASSIVELY :clap: MULTIPLAYER :clap: ONLINE :clap:

Sure having solo-content is great, and they should definitely have more.
:grimacing: But I certainly disagree with the idea that all group-content rewards should also become immediately available for solo content too.


I think Blizz caters to solo players quite a bit . I also think they don’t need to since mmos are not exactly solo games.

What should be done is cleaning up the community and rewarding folks for grouping up and helping one another learn and get better.

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  1. connected realms are a thing, so there’s 1 CE guild.
  2. cross realm guilds are being added next expansion to address this.

Come to the learning run I help lead every Saturday at 3 PM EDT. Anyone 470 or higher is welcome, spots are 1st come 1st serve.

The other thing to point out is that the game helps those who help themselves.


You chose to stay on a low pop realm. That is entirely user error.

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Aren’t all low population servers now connected as well?

Solo players in an MMORPG should always be placed on the backburner.

I don’t know how, or why, anyone would pay $180/yr for gated story, gated collecting, story lulls and unfriendly solo activates instead of paying $19.99 for Skyrim on a 1 time charge.

You have been living under a freaking rock. Dragonflight and now moving into the war within and the Worldsoul saga solo players will be having a field day going forward.

Don’t take part in social achievements if you want to play the game solo.

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Yeah I doubt it. Solo players are still going to get stuck on low delve levels because their skill is terribly low and I hope Blizzard doesn’t budge.

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