Solo players for heaven's sake

Crazy you failed to understand what I posted. It had nothing to do with multiplayer rewards.


It’s for everyone.


Because WoW is fun.

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This dude says its impossible to do solo, thus making it a multiplayer reward . Just understand those rewards arent for you

If i have no hands or eyes and in a vegetable state, how is this game for me if its for everyone ? Ill wait

Never mind, it’s clear you didn’t get it.



Oh yes, clearly i didnt understand the mmo with multiplayer group based content rewards arent for solo players . Exactly what happened.

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WoW playerbase has a real problem with perception.

Be it a class or spec that isn’t that bad, but no one will take them due to how they are perceived to be bad, or folks not attempting something they could very well do, because they believe it’s too hard.

Maybe it’s apathy or something, idk.

No its not about what they said. Its about what is in the Alpha lol. Its already there. I have played it.

Many youtube videos on this topic

Imagine a videogame development company that makes a decision to develop content that will exclude much of its audience, whose money supports content development for the small segment of the audience who thinks no solo play or players should exist, but who aren’t willing to pay their own fair share for the expensive content they demand. Doesn’t sound like a sound business decision to me.

LOL. You mean like all the changes they make at the last minute without notice? Like they have done with every expansion and every patch, like changes they made to ReMoP?

Your faith that they have changed this proven track record is strong, grasshopper.

I cant hear you over how loud your fomo is talking. Not all content is made for you nor are the rewards. If all you solo players quitt we could get back to playing the game how it was when it wasnt a trash pile full of entitlement. Im sure whatever you said is based on a pov from someone that uses mods, is a crutch player and just wants everything handed to them .

They arent forgetting about solo players. DF had been one of the best solo experiences to date. Heck i have the friggin legendary and did 90% of it solo (thank you to the kind crafters who worked their magic for me).

Now we have delves coming soon too, not to mention all the account bound stuff. Solo players are eating good man.

I’m not asking for “all rewards”. I’m not asking for “all content”. Nowhere did I ask for either of those, so stop lying and saying I did.

What I’m pointing out that you demanding that all solo content be removed or nerfed so only hyper-entitled players like you have any reason to play would be a really bad business decision on their part, as the money solo players pay goes into development of your content.

What sort of “mods” are you claiming I use? You sound like someone who uses every mod and addon available.

You sound like a crutch player who wants everything handed to you. “Gimme one boss to kill and mail me today’s bis gear reward, cuz I deserve it for being gud!”

I do a lot solo these days and I’m pretty happy with the state of the game in those regards, I am not about a lot else but I’m not gonna get into it. I do wish there was more though, mostly calendar events and things to do in the world that are optional solo or with others - like more holidays and more added to current holidays that they have. I also wish darkmoon faire was updated and more to do with others or solo.

1-5 man, not 5-man.

Solo Players are the most catered to players in the mmorpg space these days, which is completely oxymoronic.

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Sounds like a “you” problem. The tools and the means are there and using them isn’t insurmountable, even for solo players.

What you want is a single-player game where you can do everything on your own. I don’t know what to tell you.

They need to forget more about solo players, actually. Too many activities is based around it. You guys need to accept the fact this isn’t a single player. Crazy, I know.

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What amazes me is the amount of people that think if you choose to play solo in a game that’s focused more on group content that solo players should have the same rewards and everything.

If you choose to play solo that’s fine as long as you’re having fun. But you need to realize that while you enjoy solo content that’s not the games primary focus and if you choose to only play solo you are limiting yourself from some rewards.

You must be called luffy with the amount of stretch reaching you are doing .
You want this reward, but you cant get it solo. Its that simple. Im unsure where in my comments you got that i want things handed to me when i clearly like harder, multiplayer play that i cant just wait for a streamer or some.reddit chad to write a guide about so i can copy my way through the game and never actually play it.
Good try though :slight_smile:

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And any mod really, using mods means you cant play the actual game . Im curious if you can quote where i said anything to the effect that i would use mods . Or anything really for the amount of cope you need to deal with “solo players are funding the whole game” brainrot response you made :wink: