Solo players for heaven's sake

Nowhere did the OP say to remove or replace group content.

And your comment— while not only being obnoxiously large with emojis for no reason— is also still a misrepresentation of a massively multiplayer game. You’re insinuating that you have to play with other people. Whether you say you’re fine with solo content or not is irrelevant to my point: MMO does not equate to having to play WITH people.


Its not 5man. Its 1 to 5 people with content that scales based on how many are there.

It wasn’t my intent or deliberate insinuation to indicate you “HAVE” to play with other people … I quite literally advocated for the opposite. Twice.

Sure having solo-content is great, and they should definitely have more.

Having solo content is great & all, and as I said – They should definitely be diversified throughout content with great rewards

As for –

I could argue the OP had an insinuation the same way you applied to me, upon making such comments like:

I want to complete the “Awakening the Dragonflight Raids” so I can get the [Voyaging Wilderling’s Harness] mount but it will be impossible for me as a solo player because on my realm guilds are dead.

Stop making social achievements when it’s impossible for solo players such as me.

“Stop making social achievements” is much more direct in the subject of insinuations, no? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I mean not really? That’s a contradiction there. Pure & simple.
Me saying that I’m fine with solo content is quite LITERALLY relevant to the point that MMO does not have to equate towards having to play with other. :joy: lol

All I did in my first & foremost statement was that MMO stands for Massively Multiplayer Online … No where did I specify that it has to equal in totality towards “only” group content, nor that the game should only be filled with such content.

Every now and then, I feel like playing by myself. If I wanna do some dumb quests or progression stuff or just have a few beers and watch some YouTube videos while I fish, that’s totally fine.

But in terms of what I want the developer team working on, I want them focused on group content.

Because I’m playing a MMORPG, not a single player campaign game.

IMO, solo play game play is just about the best it’s ever been. You can get some pretty high ilvls without having to engage in any difficult content.

Also, you’re getting story mode and delves next expansion.

Idk, calm down a bit. Game’s fine. Also, make some friends. Don’t be a dweeb. (All due respect, but get the most out of the genre you’re playing. Otherwise, what’s the point?!)

Time to git gud.

And yet the insanely large bolded text with condescending emojis says just that.

They didn’t. Nowhere in anything the OP said did they even remotely insinuate to remove group content.

Which insinuates— as so many do around here— that we must play with people. Otherwise, there’s literally zero reason to add that into your comment— especially in insanely large bold text with condescending clapping emojis.

If nothing else, your post is then nonsensical and condescending.

But you do you.

Introducing: Delves.

This is apparently an entirely new tier of content in TWW geared towards solo players. They’re even giving Delves a spot in the weekly vault.

I did it in Group Finder and I’m solo. So.

As a fellow proudmoore denizen, I heartily recommend coming here. We’re very active in all areas. :slight_smile:

I think you’re reading too much into simple emojis …


Stop making social achievements

Hmm … Perhaps not so much “remove” in the direct sense but “stop making” is the intent to remove it from future content.

No. It’s defininig a word … To its literal meaning.
That’s what MMO stands for.

If me defining a word to it’s quite literal definition counts as an “Insinuation” then yes the OP most definately did “remotely insinuate” to remove group content by straight up stating “stop making social achievements” … Personally you’re coming off as condescendingly hostile yourself & appear rather biased.

However :open_hands: To give benefit of the doubt, perhaps we simply misunderstood eachother from the get-go.

I will never understand the logic behind people wanting to play SOLO in a MULTIPLAYER game. You’re just gonna have to accept the fact that solo experiences come behind the multiplayer facet of the game.

Once more… MMO does not equate to “you must play with people.” It only means “there are other people around you in a persistent world.”


I will go stronger.

MMO does not mean “I will exit the game world for a completely separate pocket Universe with 4, or 19, other people, blocking out all of those Massive Multi-players in the world, and call that the main game.”

Instances move WoW towards being a “lobby game”, and make the world just a waiting room.

Instances are necessary, because otherwise we have chaos, but they are a necessary evil, not a necessary good.

The rules and social norms that Blizzard has crafted around instance play, epecially the 5-man format, may not be actually anti-MMO - that’s debatable - but they are definitely not the essence of an MMO.

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people love toting the MMO out and use it to defend the lack of content for a single person to play through, like being a large persistent online world with millions of people means you should be required to always have a group of people to just go to the store for a gallon of milk.

MMO is simply means being a large persistent online world with millions of people. Nothing about it says anything about group or solo content.


They said that about BfA. They said that about Shadowlands. They said that about DF. We will see what it turns out to be probably a month after the start of the expansion.

Actually “millions” is the high end. Many MMO’s are designed for much smaller playerbases. Josh Strife Hayes reviewed an old MMO (Animyst) that he was the only one playing at the time.

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It amazes me sometimes how many folks clearly do not understand this concept.


Imagine the mmorpg isnt for single players. Crazy. You dont deserve it anyway.

Crazy you dont understand multiplayer rewards arent for solo players . Wild right ?

Solo players get more content created specifically for them, than any other grouping.

Getting a raid achievement isnt going to happen solo, its a group effort and solo players dont deserve the rewards

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