Solo players for heaven's sake

Almost everything in the open world is soloable. You can now solo queue for rated BGs. We got follower dungeons. Delves are coming.

Totally agree. People like the OP must make them wonder why they bother doing things for us.

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You will have an AI with you and it can level up or rank up and have the ability to earn new abilities and skills to help.

Yeah you’ve already told me this.

That’s not going to help dumb people.

“Dumb” people they will need to step up and learn otherwise nothing will help even when the game will hand hold them and still be that kind of person.


Which they won’t - look at what happened in Cataclysm when Blizzard didn’t budge on heroic dungeon difficulty.

The game has been in a hand hold state since December 7th, 2010 and that has become even more exacerbated.

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What cataclysm did is highly unacceptable and I to disapprove of their action of making heroic that much harder when it shouldn’t be.

Man member when a single realm that wasn’t even a top realm had tons of people and guilds on and there wasn’t even CRZ? Crazy times!

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chill you are gonna pop a vain

Ofcaurse they wont invite you if you’re low ilvl, what do you expect, get easy carry?

Blizz has the challenge of entertaining a disparate player base where we don’t all want the same things. Some of us loved those Cata dungeons (although they lost their luster after we outgeared them). I understand some players hated them (until they got easier). Which is why we now have M+ and everyone can choose their own challenge.

Took me a moment to decipher this - I tend to associate “solo player” with someone avoiding group content, and keep forgetting that some people also use the term to mean someone looking for groups to play with.

They haven’t. There’s loads of things for solo players. With even loads more coming in the next xpack.

I’m on Bloodhoof. I feel this.

Okay, so you…

I did the same thing for the first time this last week just to see for myself what the experience would be like. It actually went well. It was fun and I’ll be doing the same thing going forward.

That’s an over exaggerated myth.

You want them to stop making achievements that involve social activities like raiding, a decades old core pillar of the endgame because you, specifically, are stopping yourself from doing them?

No. Not everything has to be available on the lowest difficulty level of endgame activities. You see them as gatekeeping, I see them as incentivizing. The only one really gatekeeping here is you. You are gatekeeping yourself.

And this is coming from someone who’s also mostly a solo player that’s done more LFR than I care to admit.

I completely get that it can be hard to come out of that shell and test the waters in this game’s community. But all Blizzard is going to do is point you toward the watering hole. it’s up to you to take yourself there for a drink. There are certain things that they’re just not going to bring to you.

I recommend doing exactly what Sendryn said and see for yourself.

I never really thought about it but the garrison was a solo players dream, looking back on the one i actually did on my first main.

My ‘solo’ game is just question, farming mats for gold and mogs for myself.
Keeps me busy, for sure.
But more solo content would be appreciated

Which does not equate to having to play WITH people. Would be great if players would comprehend that.


Ugh like did re mix just came out like 2 weeks ago ? Or did you not see it

Why should they cater to the lowest population of the game anymore than they already do?

Solo only anti-social players are the greatest cancer this game has ever had. They have ruined every aspect of WoW. I really wish Blizz would stop nurturing these people the amount that they have. What a complete utter waste of effort and resources.

:face_with_raised_eyebrow: It was in context to the subject & purpose of the thread.

As for addressing that, like I mentioned in the rest of my comment →

Having solo content is great & all, and as I said – They should definitely be diversified throughout content with great rewards … but it certainly shouldn’t replace group content for earning its rewards.

I unbiasedly feel the same way vise-versa though too.
Back in Legion, I remember people raging they should have group content for earning the Mage Tower solo-content rewards – to which I solemnly disagreed with. :person_shrugging:

The meat of this game always has been endgame. The endgame is mostly group content. You’re not ever going to get as much single player content as there will be group content. You’re going to have to accept this.

Blizzard didn’t make everyone stop playing there, go level something somewhere else.

This is a lie.

As has always been since the dawn of the game.

It’s not impossible.

Stop using words that you don’t know the meaning of.

i hope this is good but it being just 5 man raid kinda sux
would be cool to heal a lot of ai npcs for the real raid experience lol
but hey ill take what i can get they can prolly expand

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