SOD WSG improvements

Please leave your retail ideals out of vanilla. There’s a reason vanilla exists as it is and not how you suggest. Go play Retail RBG’s with the other noobs.

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Or you could go play ERA and let SOD be the place people can have fun?

If they dont care about rep, why not?

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Because sitting in a losing BG for an hour getting farmed isn’t exactly fun.

Would you agree or disagree?

If nobody cares about rep, what’s the incentive for the enemy to end the game?


Playing more matches, win or lose, is more satisfying than playing 1 long match, win or lose.

This is sod and there’s no time limit so I’m not sure why you think that statement means anything.

Put in a time limit and all I have to do is get 1 cap and then 10 man turtle on top of my graveyard till the time runs out like they do on retail

Thats a different thing, I support kicking premades into hell queue and let pugs fight pugs. I dont support a time limit.

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So you’re okay with being on the losing end of a game where the enemy refuses to end the game?

That’s okay for the health of the game?..

We’re not in '04 anymore.

A pug can also farm you for 40+ minutes bro, some pugs are much better than others and can result in the same thing.

The only solution to the above scenario is to abandon the game.

that’s a WILD solution.

@Ultimaeus-area-52 I agree. That would also work and it’d be the better overall solution, but seems like more work from their perspective. Separate queue streams seems though the ideal solution would be a whole new thing and take more developer time versus just slapping in a timer like TBC/WOTLK.

I had advocated in the pst and even made a thread about it, by leaving a Norma BG que and a “premade only” q requiring a full team. This q would provide 3x honor/rep yield even if you lose. Which would completely eliminate the need for premades to q into the normal q cause it’s better even if they lose.

However, a “solo only” q I can understand why they haven’t done it as single digit variables are needed to keep the q moving, in regards to odd number games and still allows the husband/wife or 3 brothers to q normal

all of these retail players commenting is so funny. god yall are noobs

What youre suggesting is no different than 2 premades both holding the flags in a never ending stalemate

Yup which never happens unless they know each other and are BMing.

The difference is under your timer, I can cap once and turtle on my graveyard and it is a 100% guaranteed win and I guarantee that will be the meta for your average premade

I was just in a match where that just happened, lol.

I’ll take that over virtually the same thing but over an hour.

I’m exalted on 2 toons and am just starting my 3rd

I have never seen it happen because there is no point in doing so.

Was it 10 pugs v 10 pugs? Cause if so that doesn’t surprise me because that’s how full pug games are.

But what I am saying is it will become the actual meta.

How do you pronounce a tie? Killing blows?

In that case all you gotta do is grab the flag as 10 player death ball, kill them, return to your graveyard and turtle because you have the kill lead

Or you can just cap 1 flag and then turtle with the next one and it’s an automatic win. A 100% win scenario with you standing in your graveyard turtling with hunters and priests.

and folks with real lives and real commitments

Scenarios outside of the game itself are irrelevant to inside it

ok but why?

Because the subject is the video game which has nothing to do with “your irl”

I play with busy people too. They don’t all think like you

Your “irl” is still an attribute for why you want an easier farm. It isn’t about the battlegroun itself and has nothing to do with enjoying it or the point of the bg in the first place which is to win it by finishing it

that’s just silly real life comes first. Hard to play a game when the duration can be 5 minutes to 3 hours. you’ll understand when you get a job and a relationship

Game comes first to these people.
