SOD WSG improvements

Can you prove its a selfish desire when i clearly dont care about rep if i have the 50k achievement 11 years ago?..


You keep stating that when you’ve already been proven wrong.

Sod wasn’t out 11 years ago.

You’re grinding rep right now, so you want the timer now.

Proven wrong how? You want a wsg timer so you can farm your rep quicker. You have ways to do that now. It took you from 2004-2006 to get 50k hks. That’s weak

I stopped at revered.

Not even grinding.

Once again, you’re just assuming LMAO.

Yes, I didn’t come out the gate pvping.


Atleast I’m honest unlike you.

You’re using an achievement for some sort of proof when I quit as achievements were even coming out. I’m not sure what kind of a gotcha you think that was.

Hks have nothing to do with putting in a timer that players can not opt out of, but they can currently opt out of longer games by AFKing or joining a premade.

2 viable options that you choose to ignore

Now let’s get back on subject instead of straying off.

How will players opt out of a timer? Do you have a suggestion for that?

AFKing out means you lose the one mark and lose the entire hour time investment.
Joining a premade is not an option for every person.
A good balanced solution is a time limit, similar to what they’ve done in TBC and WOTLK.
Games are still competitive and the majority of folks are happy.

I didn’t ignore them…

Blizzard already stated SoD’s ultimate goal is to respect players time.

So things like BG timers is most likely coming sooner rather than later.

Being in a hour long WSG that has no competitive merit or rewards isn’t fun for 99% of the population.

It’s only fun for you and your community of 100 people :wink:


Absolutely not. Why are you trying to create an incentive to farm graveyards over completing the objectives?

I agree, it would potentially incentivize just farming HKs mid. The time limit would be the better change if I had to pick.

What will you say when this never happens?

What will you say when it does?

back to era you go.


I don’t play era.

And we will free up this thread now.

I will save it, and see where we are at in the future.

I’ll be sure to notify you when it does not happen

Long WSG with minimal rewards sucks.

Thank god your opinion isn’t what most people think and enjoy.

It’s a Classic andy take at best.

Gaming has changed, people don’t wanna be held hostage for hours on end, it’s not 2004 anymore lol.

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That’s exactly my point.

It’s a change only for rep chasers.

It ruins the battleground for people who actually enjoy it

You might as well just get rid of the flags at that point because the entire match will just be midfield fighting for half hour until you move on to the next one and do the same thing.

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cause only rep chasers are the ones advocating for change…

cArE tO proViDE a sOuRcE?


The people stuck in '04 truly have some of the most astonishing trauma I’ve seen.

Exacty my point.

It’s a rep grind to them, they could care less about winning or good pvp matches

I saved your post and will return in a few months. I’m putting you on ignore for now because we are flooding the thread

I like a good pvp match why are those mutually exclusive to you

This is not true for everyone.

You swing the pendelum in one direction so much I’m actually started to think you suffer from trauma the way you refuse to adapt to change or move on.

The only good pvp matches are the ones that last an hour apparently.


Because you think a time limit normalizes good pvp

Time has nothing to do with it.

You are there for your rep and you’ll never be seen again

You know what else a time limit promotes?

Being 1 cap above the enemy team, they have your flag, and you can just 10 man turtle on your graveyard till the time runes out.

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@Partyrock agreed.