SOD WSG improvements

In order to make wsg queuing/REP grind more bearable please add:

time limit per match
rep award per HK

thank you, it sucks to spend an hour in a losing wsg to get 1 mark and no rep


No time limit. This is a request made solely from people who do not actually enjoy WSG and make the suggestion entirely based off a rep grind.

Most people will completely dissappear from WSG after exalted and those that like it will continue to play.

The best wsg matches take 30+ minutes versus evenly matched teams. All this does is ruin the game for wsg enjoyers once everyone is done

I despise AV, but I don’t ask for changes to make it quicker or the grind better or anything else. Just let the AV people have AV


People will stop queuing on their main, but will continue to grind the rep on alts.
Again, spending an hour in a game to lose and get zero rep is painful.

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Why are you trying to punish those that enjoy the BG?

There is no argument for it other than you want to make the rep grind easier for yourself.

I stand by my statement. This is solely a change based on one’s selfish desire to finish a rep grind.

They will never return on that character when they finish

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It would incentivize ppl to play various classes in WSG instead of grinding one main for ever

putting a time limit is not punishing anyone, its just good game design, sorry you feel that way your opinion is your own

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Based off of what? What does a timer have to do with people’s desire to roll alts? There is zero basis for this claim

And your opinion is your own.

Good warsong matches will take longer than 30 minutes, some even go an hour easily with two very good teams.

You have the option to AFK our, but we won’t have an option to remove the timer.

It’s no contest. Your suggestion is bad

Thanks for sharing your opinion!

In my opinion setting a time limit would greatly improve the experience of wsg as sitting in an hour+ games just to lose and gain zero rep is awful game design, and makes players want to not play at all as there is no sense of progression for the time investment.

Adding rep award per kill would make sense as well. Doesnt have to be much.

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No one is forcing you to stay in the game. You can always AFK out or you can join a premade for fast wins - there’s 2 options for you that are both perfectly feasible

I wouldn’t mind that. That doesn’t remove fun from the people who actually enjoy the battlegrounds tigut, tough games

Cool man, Thanks for sharing your opinion on this topic.

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Thanks! I’m glad the forums are here for that.

So you’re saying…people who enjoy WSG would rather sit in 1 game for an hour than play MULTIPLE games in the same time frame?..


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1 longer game that is intense and full of like minded players are better than a bunch of boring games with not like minded players, yes.

It isn’t just about the rep grind for WSG enjoyers.

If you don’t like long matches, AFK out or join a premade.

All adding a time limit does is ruin community driven tournaments like the ones being held at every phase, and abruptly end tigut games between two teams

how is a 30 minute game not intense and not full of like minded players?..

Then what is it for if a 30 minute game and a 1 hour game give the same experience?..

a 30 minute match is actually very long sir.

The better team will win under the 30 minute mark.

In a 1 hour game you just wait for a team to get tired.

It’s not even the same gameplay anymore


Games can still be competitive for hardcore premades within the half an hour window. The last one to cap wins, similar to WOTLK version of WSG.

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I’ve been playing warsong for almost 9 years, I’ve played on the blizzard bg tournaments.

The best games are almost always longer than 30 minutes.

Are there games quicker than that? Yeah sure, but the toughest ones are longer. Imagine us having our game abruptly end when a come back was starting to happen.

I’m good bro

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You new to the game?

It’s very long for you. I’m used to wargame style games lasting up to an hour. I regularly see hour Long games posted in premade discords and people having fun in them

Cool, so the tournaments can have an unlimited time limit for the sweaties.

my 50k hks in 2012 says otherwise.

The comeback was happening because the other team is clearly getting tired.

You didn’t suddenly become better players


They even admitted the 35m time limit in the blizz tournament wasn’t long enough.

How did you find your evidence for this claim? Did they tell you?

How do you have evidence that games that last over an hour are more competitive?..

The most competitive part of the game is the first 30 mins when everyone is trying their heart out.