SOD WSG improvements

Burden reversal fallacy

I actually am apart of a competitive wsg community where wargames are a regular activity. I have also played in community tournaments and the blizzard tournament.

I know what I’m talking about. You are making fallacious presuppositions because you know your argument is based solely on a rep grind

Are they? Most pugs give up before the gate opens.

I need a citation

your community doesn’t represent the other 95% of the community.

Idc about the rep grind.

As I stated, 50k hks achievement by 2012 on this account.

You just ignore 80% of people posts.

You read what you want to read.

Evidence for this metric?

Are you saying your community is larger than the playerbase community wanting changes in a mode MEANT FOR CHANGES?..


I had 100k in 2005. What’s your point?

Evidence of this metric?

That’s not what I said.

I asked for evidence of your claim

Yea you’re just a troll, lmao.

post on your main let me see them achievements

So your solution to being farmed for an hour by a premade and to get 0 reward beside a single mark is to go form a premade. Forming a premade is not realistic for the majority of players.
The only way to level or normalize the playing fields for the majority of peoples experience would be to add a time limit same as they have in WOTLK.
The hardcore competitive community that wants +1 hour game is probably a very small subscription percentage of the player base. Realistically most players are goal oriented and would like to be able to see some progress towards their goals in game and then have the freedom to play alts and stay subbed.

You just can’t make an argument. We both know it’s about your rep grind.

My main is Lazarak. You can search my post history or whatever you would like to look at.

just switch to it and post on it.


That’s your own problem. You have ways to fix that. You can AFK out or join a premade.

you have no basis for this claim. Solely your opinion.

You can play your alts with out a time limit. You can afk out or join a premade

That is the literal solution they implemented in the following expansion.

And I’m sure Blizzard would rather cater to the vast majority of their subs compared to the loud minority such as yourself.

Lazarak has a 1k HK achievement earned in 2016.

Please post on your proper main :slight_smile:

I’m on this character due solely to mobile.

Here is my char. Feel free to look for whatever you would like.

  • oh you are looking for a literal original account from back then? I don’t have that account any more bro. Would you like to log into my server and inspect my characters HKs yourself?

The Ad Hominem attacks doesn’t change the fact you only want this change because of your own personal rep grind. You know you are unable to make it sound this way, and attack me directly instead.

Indicating I broke your frame

Woah, you need to win to earn rewards? Who’da thought. They already handed everyone revered for free, given that 99% of y’all whining here have probably never made it past friendly before you would think y’all would be happy with that.

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still don’t see any achievements of 100k HKs by '05.

Why are we lying?

You would’ve gotten the 100k achievement in '08 when it got implemented.

Don’t got that either

Just hoping they make similar improvements to WSG as they did in future iterations. It should be a fun experience to jump in. Most of the time it is not so.

that’s on an entirely different account that I don’t have anymore.
I was unaware that I needed it to prove that your argument comes directly from a selfish, personal desire.

Would you like to log on era and see my 60k HK on that particular toon that I earned in less time it took you to gain your achievement?

Because I played private server after quitting blizzard, I have not always been a blizzard sub my dude. I quit end of wrath

Do you mind moving off this thread with your argument with the other forum poster please? I think it is distracting from the main point I am looking to discuss with others who have not had a chance to share on this forum. Thank you.