Please, post the MULTIPLE links of these post where players for WOTLK class design in classic.
No one ever asked for the iPhone or the internet to be invented, either, yet here we are.
So I still don’t understand the premise of this thread. I guess you think Blizzard should have consulted with you first before releasing SoD?
SoD is pretty cool dog.
Fresh is pretty cool too.
No one is asking for no changes because. Well. Too late for that. Sorry you didn’t get exactly the changes you specifically wanted in SoD. Sorry your meme spec is still a meme spec in fresh.
Oh yea. Sorry you didn’t get a barbershop?
Pets with a proper (half-)taunt and traps in combat was really all my original Level 60 Hunter needed. Trap Launcher is fun times. Chimera Shot is great for the additional instant-cast damage, but not really needed in the Level 60 world.
99% of people dont understand blizzard has no creative talent
Technically they did if it’s here. They didn’t just magically appear one day.
That means multiple people wanted it because each were created by more than just 1 person.
The point of this thread, is to counter You people know SoD exists right? - WoW Classic / WoW Classic General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums
Well, for Classic+, not for Classic… Era should never change, it’s the whole point.
Well, for Classic+, not for Classic… Era should never change, it’s the whole point.
Again, please link these MULTIPLE threads requesting such class changes be made for classic+.
As much as I would like too, I’m not going to waste time search back my post history just to show it to you.
I assume some people enjoy those classic 1 button rotation, but the most successful version of WOW in ages has been Season of Discovery Phase 1 for a reason.
We’re stuck with what we got unfortunately.
How many more versions of the game do we need?
If they make a new seasonal server it should be completely different and not be inspired by forum posts.
The point of this thread
I haven’t found one, so far as I can tell. This isn’t no changes classic. This is just classic without the changes that you personally want. Being upset that SoD exists because I guess you think that’s what you got instead of the changes that you specifically wanted in classic. Anyway. Good luck getting whatever it is you want, or keeping out what you don’t want in.
how will the development time return investment?
it’s easy to ask for things when you don’t budget for it.
I haven’t found one, so far as I can tell.
Bro had the answer right if front of him and still can’t see it. This actually says a lot about you in RL. Glad I don’t know you in person. I don’t enjoy being in the presence of close mindedness ignorance.
how will the development time return investment?
it’s easy to ask for things when you don’t budget for it.
They’re literally making millions off of SoD subs. They’d make even more if they gave the players truly what they asked for.
So because I told you that you don’t have a cohesive thought presented here, you make assumptions about me “IRL.” okay. /shrug
Cry about it. It’s no changes or all changes no in-between
They’re literally making millions off of SoD subs.
how are they making millions? barely anyone plays it
fresh makes more than sod by your logic
It was asked for, in some capacity.
There will be a demand for a Classic+ until it’s done properly some day.
I could see myself liking this post but there are a couple of problems. Dual spec is one.
Additionally, all specs are viable in vanilla atm. You can run these easy mode 40mans raids with 25. That makes everything viable automatically. So you are probably talking equal not viable, which is not what we are aiming for here.
I’d fix some minor issues with vanilla class design, like prot pally taunt for example. But I’d never step toward making every class equally powerful in pure roles.
People have asked for it. People have asked for a classic plus since ulda and what you are asking for is a lazy version of what sod did better.