You people know SoD exists right?

These forums are beyond annoying lately. “How about class balances” “I think paladin should be better” “can you just improve Ret a little”

Yes actually, they did literally ALL OF THOSE THINGS. Its called Season of Discovery. Your subscription covers it! Even more wild, you dont have to download anything else to try it!

Log out, change server, pick Seasonal, and boom! Full classic zones, classic raids, classic dungeons, classic everything PLUS your Ret Paladin is what you want! Wow would you look at that.

So why do yall continue to sit here complaining about class balancing on Anniversary servers. Just stop it and go away.


I’m sure the people asking if maybe warriors shouldn’t both be the best tank and best dps class actually want to play a version of the game with mage healers, rogue tanks, and about 70 abilities that never existed in vanilla…


Why does warriors being the best even matter? How does it affect you? Classic is easy enough that any class/spec/race/proffs/etc can clear any content. Why are people so hyper focused at always playing the best of something?


The entitlement is insane. They had a seasonal server built for this purpose, but that’s not enough.


Why does the idea of warriors not being the best tank AND best dps upset you?

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Has nothing to do with warriors and everything to do with tourists coming to classic and demanding changes, even if in all likelihood changes won’t even affect the tourists because they aren’t going to make it to max level to begin with.

If you don’t like classic balance then you know you don’t have to play it.


Why don’t you just play Era if you want as little changes as possible?

Blizz gave you Era servers to live on where warriors are forever broken.

Anniversary servers are different, will progress to TBC, and already have some changes.

But you have to sit here and want Era mentality on anniversary servers for some reason. Go play Era.


If you want changes why don’t you play SoD?

I play era already lol.

Some changes arent some slippery slope to fundamentally change the game.


Because this is Classic fresh. People want an untarnished Vanilla experience, and that’s the point of these servers. Just like SoD was made for your purpose.


SoD is closer to retail than vanilla.

It’s not minor tweaks they fundamentally changed the entire game. It shares vanilla art assets, that’s about it.

Half the abilities in the game don’t even exist in vanilla.


“Because those aren’t the changed I want!!!” is how they respond.

With zero awareness that’s precisely why changes are a bad idea.


cause they’re garbage in PvP alone

sorry you only view the game in one lens


SoD is the culmination of people begging on the forum for changes. People like you made your bed, and now you all should be made to lay in it.


I love how you guys equate a slight tweak to warriors not being the best dps and best tank to changes like mage healers, rogue tanks, and most abilities not even from vanilla.

It’s comical, this is why the forums exist, for these god awful takes.


Better than

“Wah, as a retail player, I don’t like classic balance; they need to make classic balance cater to my whims”

talk about entitlement.


says the only that only thinks of the game in a PvE sense


A slight tweak might be what you want. But not what others want. And not enough for some. So they ask (demand, more like it) for even more. And the more Blizz does, the more players expect. And now another class demands changes to their class. And then another class. And then people complain about those changes.

And pretty soon EVERYONE is pissed off, angry and upset. This is how it will turn out. It’s inevitable. That’s what always happens.

I play both, and Era exists for those who enjoy 1 class dominance.

Anniversary servers aren’t nochanges, that is Era.

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One class dominance? You say that like no other class/spec can clear content. Get real.

Also fresh servers, arent a slippery slope to fundementally change the balance of the game. I’ve accepted the changes made. You should accept it at that and not ask for more then you already got. That’s entitlement at it’s peak.

dude only thinks of PvE raids and nothing else, his mind is effectively cooked

you simply don’t play both unless you prefer retail to some degree

ignore their dog water opinions