SoD was Not Asked For

If you actually think that Season of Discover is what the #SOMEchanges crowd asked for you’re either 1. Delusional or 2. Grasping for straws 3. Trolling


  1. Completely overhauling class designs
  2. Completely Overpowered NEW abilities that make old abilities defunct
  3. New abilities in general
  4. Complete overhauling of current existing zones
  5. Completely overhauling 5 man content and turning it into raids
  6. Completely butchering PvP because the new abilities added are so out of place in terms of raw power and damage current gear stats are too low to stop you from being 1 shot by other players.

Asking for:

  1. Class tuning to make all spec viable
  2. NEW (Not redone) zones, quests, raids, content.
  3. NEW (Not redone) gear rewards. (Also in line with current era. New gear will have SLIGHTLY better stats than previous gear)
  4. Dual Spec
  5. Barbershops

Essential enough things to bring in BRAND NEW and keep this version of the game going because we #somechanger know in reality that classic with #nochanges will be dead in 6 months. It’s so hilarious that the people calling for #nochanges will be gone in 6 months as well until the next “new” thing comes to classic and they flock back in droves to call for #nochanges.


So…you want changes and are mad at no change people. You dislike SoD but…what even is this post?

What do you want? You want classic vanilla with just

Is that it?


Yeah pretty much.

I’m not mad at no change people. I just don’t see why they flock to everything “new” and cry about it. Obviously, Anniversary Servers were NOT intended for this crowd, but yet they’re trying to make their voices heard. So I am doing the complete same thing.

They have their dead servers that launched in 2019. Granted, I get some things have come over from SoD as unintended effects based on the games sharing the same code. (I learned this because the no changers were upset at even the slightest of changes that literally impacts 0 game play being added to their dead servers.)

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We have never had #NoChanges, so while you may be right, we cannot point to all the #SomeChanges we’ve already had that have been dead in 6 months and say we know this, definitively.

Before #SomeChanges, yet again, I’d personally prefer to see some #RemoveChanges, #FewerChanges, or actually (for the first time ever) #NoChanges some time.


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SoD was precisely what people asked for. SoD is Classic for the changes crowd.


I’m sorry YOU feel that way, but SOD for me is ton of fun still and I’m glad to be able to do classic with new stuff and more than 1 button rotation.

It’s an experiment, nobody will ask for stuff, this is them testing what works and what doesn’t work for future versions/seasons.


Link your statement with at least 1 post with someone asking for complete class overhaul.

“I want changes but only the changes I want” is not a good guideline for changes.


Clearly Blizzard should hire you. They can’t comprehend what the “right” changes are. They need you to guide them.

Got it, you can’t find a single post with something you stated people were asking for. No one should hire, you just pull “facts” from air that were made up on the spot. :+1:

It’s not just the changes I want. There is literally hundreds of posts of different people generally asking for the same changes to be made. I personally didn’t want dual spec. However, here we are and I’m perfectly fine with it.


So how do you recommend we solve this “problem”?

By giving the “somechangers” what they actually asked for…

But clearly Blizzard can’t do that properly. SoD was designed to implement changes the community asked for. Blizz failed according to you, why wouldn’t they fail again? What would be different?

oh wow, hundreds.

SoD isn’t Classic+. Blizzard, themselves, claimed that it was simply a test as a seasonal server, not a Classic+ server.


Who said anything about Classic+? No one can even agree what Classic+ would be.

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Speaking of delusional, I think you forgot to take your meds. When you start with no one asked for this you are running into Karen territory.

SoD was too much changes I agree. About “what the community asked for” gonna have to ask…what community? the retail one? because the vanilla community didn’t ask for most of these changes that’s for sure.

I can give you multiple of mine where I saw they should settle for WOTLK Class design.

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99% of people asking for classic+ for years have wanted exactly what OP said.