SoD Paladins & Windfurry & Seals

Go to reddit. Seems more like your type of forum.

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All of the rune locations should be correctly updated at this point, it was only in the first couple weeks that there were various errors with rune locations.

I found all of mine through observation of other player behavior and sheer word of mouth. Best you do the same in Phase 2 once the new set of runes come out, rather than waiting for a guide.

The information will exist inside the game well before it’s on some website.

Oh, I’m not talking about rune locations, more so BiS items. Rotations, skill interactions, and the like as WoWhead has been lacking in some regards and there is conflicting info with written guides and content creators.

For example, the blue-crafted shoulders that happen to increase holy damage. Wowhead does not even mention them in the Pally BiS list yet a ton of Pally players use them and swear by them for the increased AV/Exo/Judgement/SoC damage and idk whats the better option.

A retail term. Classic doesn’t have “bis” items.

I’m no expert on Paladin, but the situation sounds similar to the blue crafted wrists that increases fire damage for Shamans, WoWhead does list it as their BiS item but I’ve opted to not use it personally and equip Bindings of Serra’kis instead to focus my melee damage instead of lava burst weaving and flame shock/searing totem upkeep (this part I’m doing already, but I’d rather not rely on it as much as the source of my damage).

So I’d start from there with your consideration, do you want to emphasize your holy damage abilities more than your melee swings? Is the playstyle satisfactory to you? I doubt the performance difference will be substantial with either choice you make.

I also have no idea what you’re talking about and I have like 10 years /played.

Shaman give windfury. Shaman are Horde only… There are no Paladins on Horde…

Are you saying you want an Alliance version of Windfury for Paladins?

PLS elaborate

He is just mad ret isn’t as good as it is on retail.

Shaman get 0 chances to proc windfury right now if they imbue their main hand. Pals shouldn’t even have windfury. Be happy you got buffed while shaman took another in the rear.

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its fun because the class that is over crying in the forums are the shamans


Wtf are you talking about?

BIS is very much a classic thing. Classic literally has items from 5 man dungeons and the first raid that are BIS for the entire game, as opposed to retail where every single patch replaces every piece of gear you have


Skills like Crusader Strike should be changed so that it’s considered a melee attack. It seems like an oversight.


Never existed back in the vanilla days. BiS is a retail word. Here in vanilla land you swap gear around based on exactly what you’re doing.

I’m okay with it not restoring mana. The amount of mana restored is garbage. It’s 1-2 mana every 3.5 seconds… You’re giving up Divine Storm for that garbage xD

Just because the term “BiS” didn’t exist back then doesn’t mean the concept of it didn’t exist. They didn’t name Mount Everest until the 1850s but the mountain still existed prior to that.

It very much existed in vanilla, they just said " that’s the best chest piece in the game for my build" instead of shortening it to “that’s my BIS”

The fact that people have different sets of bis gear for different things is irrelevant

It’s still BIS


We never said BIS but we said Best, like barman’s shanker pre normalization and the ever amazing HoJ.

Pretty sure that would make it work like Heroic Strike then; replace next auto attack.

And that will suck come JoW. You’ll miss out on a second proc (auto + CS).

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Ah okay. You know more about the mechanics than I do, that’s for sure. :smile:

I’m not sure why people are saying to twist. You cannot twist Seal of Martyr and Command which is the only effective twist right now.

Nor do I understand the paladin hate. Nobody is hating on shamans despite you guys not realize the power spike you will attain at 40. We are bottom of the barrel melee DPS right now. Sure, it’s better than caster, but still isn’t good.


And it should stay that way because you are a support class. Same with shaman. Oh wait our support is much worse than yours so shaman dps getting a spike in 40 is fair.

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Spell is working as intended off PHYSICAL attacks. A Shaman cant proc windfury off a shock so why should you get to on a spell dmg attack?