SoD is not classic, thats why we need fresh

Waaaalk it back buddy.

When you’re 17 years old, 12 seems like a long time ago.


They did release fresh servers with Wrath, but they were wrath servers.

There hasn’t been any fresh since SoM (and I’m pretty sure they just hate SoM because it eliminated some of the more egregious crap of Vanilla and made the bosses actually a challenge instead of just a throughput check, at least from what I understand. I didn’t play much of SoM
 don’t know if I could be paid to play Vanilla again after SoD)


Walk back your brain wormed comparison of a game in progress against a game that is dead because it has been finished for years.

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Big true. I think a lot of people can’t go back. They’ve experienced “vanilla, but good” now. I think Classic+ will look different from SoD - I’m pretty sure many of these rune designs are destined for the bin, but the underlying philosophy of improving the playability of Vanilla is here to stay. Whatever comes next, Paladins will have Crusader Strike and some kind of access to a taunt. And so on.

I’m pretty sure fresh just can’t happen anymore, the well has been filled with cement, if you want to drink from the aquifer you have to tap a new well.

They have “freshed” once. In 2019. And it was wildly successful. Much more so than SoD.

In fact, its success is why SoD even gets to exist.


The fall of Classic is why SoD exists.

You’re wrong and you know it.


God I hope so.

I like the simplicity and chill nature of Classic (weird tryhards aside) but also actually having my favorite/class spec be viable. (Even strong.)

And it’s nice not having Warriors just prio on all gear because “that’s how you play the game.”

Yeah, I don’t know if the <500 new players added would pay for the server and staff, lol.

Blizzard loves free money. If they could just keep feeding players Classic over and over without diluting the brand they would. Be real my dude. Come on. Stop the cap.

You’ve already run us through the gauntlet of bad faith takes and bad numbers and now you’re trying to redeem it with an appeal to authority.

You’ve already said you hate Classic and want SoD to play like retail. We’re happy to let you have that in peace if we get progressive servers without changes.
Just think, you could have Raid Finder and flying mounts by the end of the year, totally uncontested.


Some people may have already mentioned this but there is a fresh project happening on Classic Era Deviate Delight right now


Every time it boils down to you trying to convince everyone that there’s a big market for the 2019 classic
 and you have no evidence to demonstrate it.

(Meanwhile SoD has trampled any remaining hype for Hardcore, which btw: got hype because it was a little DIFFERENT.)

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I mentioned it.

It’s not “real” classic, because it has the boones and the improved honor system.

Dude tried to compare population of Classic on launch against the current Era population and use that difference to show SoD is a better game because it has declined proportionately less.

Disregard that Classic brought in over 2x the players at 4 million, and that SoD is only 5 months old whereas Era is 5 years old.

Yet my takes are somehow bad faith. Okay Tricklepuppy. We all value your opinion.

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Thought so.

It’s not a terrible idea for anyone looking for Fresh though, as you get a truly enclosed “fresh” server with the opportunity to transfer if it ever dies again or you just want to move on. Everything is unlocked sure but the element of having to start over with nothing at least adds to some difficulty.

SoD brought back 2 million more players

When there was already Classic Era, Hardcore Classic, Wrath Classic (the most popular classic) and the best version of Retail in a decade.

Classic brought back 4 million players when their other option was “Battle For Azeroth: Season 3.”

Kind of a low bar.

If you want to talk about context
 use it all the time, please.)

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Sod started very strong. I really enjoyed phase 1, and you know where my sensibilities lie.

Just as Classic brought back millions, a project that was a very promising start to Classic+ brought (half as many, but still) millions. The cap of returning players is surely lower, yes, due to Era having a strong showing at the time of release, HC, retail Classic, etc.

Where are we now that the game is two phases deep into retail minus territory, before the cliff that will be the 6 month sub mark? Oh, just 182k. Looks like that kind of game just isn’t very popular.

For comparison, a couple weeks after phase 3 release in Classic we were still sitting pretty around 350k, and climbing!

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Yeah, It’s not exactly server progression- but it would be guild progression.

(I think at this point they’re just salty and anything even slightly different than the mess of a system they really like “just isn’t it.”)

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