SoD is not classic, thats why we need fresh

Remember 2019? Im feeling nostalgic already and a bit sad my friends cant experience it anymore because SoD is NOT classic as it was.
Blizzard please consider releasing ERA fresh servers!


They tried with SoM and they died. No one wants fresh servers other than a few people that claim hundreds if not thousands would play.

Reality is the servers would be fully packed and awesome till about lvl 30 when vanilla really starts to taper off.

Just my 2 cents


My favourite data point.

When WotLK launched Fresh, it took two weeks before players were returning to the forums unironically advocating for new fresh servers because there were already level 70s in Brutal Gladiators gear.

Two weeks before a critical mass of players thought that it no longer felt like Fresh.


SoM isn’t classic either. People want Era realms, not wonky wacky crazy seasonal retail-lite realms.


Classic 2019 was good because the people who made the game were still at Blizzard.

SoM was really close to era? Just tuned up raids and a slight xp boost?

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Yeah, “really close to era” save for every single boss being reworked to have 10 mechanics and feel like a naxx end-wing boss.

And it also launched RIGHT when TBC came out and people had just spent the last 2 years playing vanilla. Of course it’s going to be unpopular, the timing on its release was atrocious.

Cata would more popular than fresh servers. Hot take


That’s not a hot take, that’s just denying reality my man


didnt we have fresh servers? didnt they die fast? you think you do


Apparently not. SoM wasn’t fresh


no one wants fresh. no one wants to stack warriors and get world buffs. if u do, go play the era server where they are currently doing that and gdkps


Are you lost friend

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I did the same. When i finally hit 60 few of my friends were catching up and at some point only 3-4 of us end up getting to 60 and we had a hard time pugging and to get into a raid.

go watch greekwarrior on twitch. is that really what people want? lol 20 out of 40 people in a raid are warriors with full world buffs spamming GDKPs. thats what you want? ok


But if they are smart they will turn it into a classic… We already Have two 10-man dungeons jut begging to be nerfed for balance in Karazhan and ZF. while those are going on the ey could work on opening the door in blasted lanes and just add 2 to 4 zoes.5 levels, a few talent points, many a couple of runs, and maybe some glyphs. Please bring Gem crafting back as well.

soss in 2-3 Dugeons and 1 Ten Man raid as You keep moving forward. that tp me [s a winning combo…

You are confused my friend.

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Go play a private server. You wont get classic fresh for another 20 years.

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SoM was most certainly not era fresh.

And unless you can explain in detail the history of corecraft, the tbc pserver scene and the lack thereof you can’t understand the fact that the pserver community had, had ZERO great tbc servers…since tbc then you’ll never get why tbc classic shadowed som.

Fresh vanilla has been successful for 15 years. It will again.

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Midwit take, most of nu blizzard will be replaced by new competent devs who want to work at blizz now that bean counters r us owns the show.

Five years out from a clean sweep.

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