SoD is not classic, thats why we need fresh

I might be a minority here but after looking at the talent trees for my mage and my warlock for Cata, I’m going to give a hard pass. I’m not particularly interested in relearning new mechanics for the classes that I’ve enjoyed since Classic launch. I was going to level them to participate in GDKPs in Cata but I’ve reconsidered and I think last week was my last raid in Classic.

I have no interest in Retail. Ever.

I am also not interested in a fresh Vanilla experience. Too much warrior scaling makes the whole thing predicable and boring in the endgame.

I don’t know where SoD’s going and what’s going to happen after but maybe it’s the end for me until I play MoP Classic and quit again :smiley:

I also don’t play retail.

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They really should just do TLPs with drop offs for the entire “Classic Trilogy” it would print money and everybody would come back every couple years for fresh like they do in EverQuest for Vanilla/Velious/Kunark.

Tbh with Longdale at Blizz I really don’t get why it hasn’t become a thing yet

I would love to play Fresh era.


SoM wasn’t even remotely close to Vanilla/2019.

It had boosted XP, it had R14 on release with no decay, it had T0.5 on release, it had no world buffs, and it had the pretty much unpuggable raids.

It was tons of changes. Prebis grinding was just spamming AV which was forking AWFUL.


Just stop.

Yea they should stop seasonal and focus on retail seasons tbh.
SoM was a poorly timed badly balanced joke with R14 being prebis lmao (this makes no sense what so ever and invalidates like the first 2 phases of era end game)

And SoD has just been meh. The one cool thing about SoD has been them developing new raids and PvP events, everything else has been pretty terrible tho

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It’s really this. The progressive Vanilla naysaying is built on a mountain of survivor/confirmation bias. It’s really annoying to read day after day.

Wall of no had its nose rubbed in the dirt before, and it would again.

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This is such an annoying strawman. Nobody cares about running the game, they want to play a game that’s actually good.


Because during phase 1 it was basically Classic+, and since then it’s been retail minus.

Where are those numbers now, bud? We haven’t even hit the 6 month cliff lmao. You think people resub for this trash?


I’d wager it’s around 500k + or - 100k.

Obviously a steep drop-off but nowhere near as grim as like Wrath’s 100k.

THEN GO PLAY ERA whaa wahaa whaa stop crying.

You’re looking at bad data. From April 10th to April 16th, there is only 182k individual SoD parses compared to 140k Wrath parses during the same timeframe. I’m not looking at month old parses from people who already quit.

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I will never touch Wrath again, but I’d give TBC another college try if they didn’t layer it or do the cash shop transfer garbage again. I dipped after the paypigs killed benediction. Shoulda just stayed on Grobb, but my community moved.

I think my ideal is Vanilla on rotation every ~20 months, so I can take breaks but always jump back in, but if they did all 3 then I’d be fine with breaking between Vanillas.

Who’s that? I’m really bad at keeping up with the who’s who.

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Ya good luck with that. Maybe you can convince them to do that. I think it’s far more likely that eventually the progression server type thing will start over. I thought that was the plan all along, but they are really milking this first run with special edition (lol) upgrades for every expansion. I had actually planned to play a month of Cata Classic until SOD came out.

That’s remixes it looks like.

It’s bad for you in the sense it dismantles your dumb argument.

Keep in mind you’re comparing against 4 million characters in 2019.

No it’s bad in the sense that you’re looking at multiple resets of raids to arrive at your number instead of only the most current completed reset. Correct data is important when it comes down to figuring out the reality of most situations.

COVID + millennials first dose of nostalgia (the magic is gone, many players realized Classic was actually bad and not as good as they remembered).

Two million coming to try SoD is impressive in that light, and retaining 25% of those players is impressive when Classic attrition was in the range of 95%.

She’s the Blizzcon lady who originally worked at EQ but joined Blizz before 2019 Classic. She’s toted as the mastermind behind EQ time locked progression servers and that’s why she was brought on to help with OG Classic launch. I believe she’s a top gun like Metzen now

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