So... You're really doing THAT storyline with Sylvanas? *spoilers*

To me this makes no since bc…. In cataclysm sylvanas uses the valkyr to raise a ton of undead… I thought the jailers whole angle was to get more death to feed the maw for his power?? Am I wrong here? Wouldn’t raising the undead then rip there souls from the assembly line of shadowlands??

As soon as I saw this I wanted to scream, "the undead don’t breath! they can stay under water forever!’ WTF was Tyrande thinking? I was really disappointed in the choreography of that fight… It made no sense and made Tyrande look like a total joke instead of a bad-A

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I think we all knew redemption was coming. Many of us wanted justice instead, but we all had an inkling this would be the path.

The question was… how? How would she be “redeemed”? Would she sacrifice herself to stop the jailer? Would she spill the beans and agree to being executed or forever imprisoned? Would she spend every last day of her life making amends and repairing what she could?

Nope. She was just mind controlled the whole time and nothing she did was her fault.

I don’t think I could have come up with a worse story, honestly. This is just terrible in every conceivable way.


Again, there is no evidence of a redemption happening.

This is why lore should not be datamined.

Technically true, as she isn’t being redeemed exactly. She’s more being completely washed of all blame entirely. And anyone who doesn’t go along with this will be labeled as a bad guy… ~cough~ Jaina…

However, I would call this evidence. Damning evidence at that.

And that isn’t happening either. No blame is getting washed away, nothing is happening that in any way gives Sylvanas a free pass.

Could that change? It could. But the current datamined information doesn’t even remotely hint at that.

Being controlled is the worst writing you can have in any story. Just like “it was just a dream”

excellent. they found a way to keep our lady as a hero.

Wasn’t it obvious…? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

But she was controlled…

By the Lich King. Which is what these dialogue lines are referring to, her time under the Lich King’s control. They’re not trying to claim that she was under the Jailer’s control, at all.


I don’t think she is talking about the Jailer there. I think she is talking about Arthas, when she was about to kill him and Kelthuzad saved him.

For the Dark Lady!

looks around

Look I despise Sylvanas quite a lot but I do believe (and not sure if it’s been said) she is referring to Arthas there . . . Ya like 99% sure.

Still feels like they wanna redeem her though and that I do not condone.

Edit: ok so I am not the first to point it out . . . good actually.

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If that’s all true, I feel like Blizzard is trying to salvage Sylvanas, which I’m OK with, but the means are a bit wonky.

I’ve actually been putting some thought into this lately, about her motivations and the Forsaken in general. I think it would have been a great plot development if we (the players) found out that the Forsaken weren’t ever-living, they were in fact dying off and would soon be extinct as a people, that all their troubles, history, struggles and suffering would have been for nothing. This would give both the Forsaken and Sylvanas motivation to venture into the Shadow lands, or any other place in search of answers to their problem.

If the Forsaken were dying and Sylvanas were taking extreme measures to secure their future, namely siding with the Jailer, then her motives would be much more understandable, and she would be a much more conflicted character, as she always was in the past.

Also, as a bonus, this would be a great segue into Forsaken Paladins (if Blizzard ever planned on allowing for them), as this story gets resolved, they could easily be fit in as the Forsaken looking to the Light for answers to their spiritual and physical issues. And, this would also be another segue into the resurgence of the Light being a main theme in WoW, if they planned on doing that as well.

Just my thoughts.

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Yeah, like Carhagen pointed out, she’s not talking about Zovaal…she’s talking about Arthas. They already said she’s going to interact with Uther because he’s the only other character we have active in the story who experienced the whole being reunited with a missing piece of their soul thing. The whole talk of forgiving is clearly Uther bringing up the topic with her and her (understandably) shooting it down.

Arthas killed and raised her, forced her to slaughter her own people, the talk about her regaining her free will was when she originally broke free from the Lich King’s control, and the arrow reference was when she ambushed Arthas (and had the classic line 'Give my regards to hell you son of a-" before Kel’thuzad had to show up and rescue him. >_>

IT’S OVER 11,000!!!

In seriousness, the best parallel is Darth Vader. Dominated, but not completely under the emperor’s control. Of course, in the end, he had to die.

I think somewhere along the way they realized they had written themselves into the ultimate corner. And feel they cannot afford to kill off Anivanas.

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Access to memories and that kind of shenanigans probably. Knowledge that it might have worked or something?

I dunno when the comic takes place in but maybe cause the endgame was the tree and the war following it. Killing an important figure might have put a stop to that plan?

You do realize it’s Anduin that’s being MC’d by the Jailor, right?

From my understanding, Girlie isn’t being MC’d. The Jailor just never bothered to be completely honest with her when it comes to whatever his full plan is.

I think him taking control of Anduin might have been a step too far even for Sylvie.

After all she has done, she is gonna plead temporary insanity by way of mind control by an outside force beyond her control?

Wow Ion, that’s almost straight out of the lawyers handbook for defending the undefendable.

:roll_eyes: :rofl:

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