Does she get a light saber and kill him?
I bet they kiss before he dies.
Does she get a light saber and kill him?
I bet they kiss before he dies.
Anything they do is bad writing now.
Redeem Sylvannas - illidan 2.0
Kill Sylvannas - Garrosh 2.0
Least they did a good job with Illidan. Altho I know that is rather subjective. Some hate it. I like it.
Kerrigan 2.0.
Illidan was not 100% redeemed or “fixed”. He is still the same psychotic night elf he’s always been. They just have him focused on more acceptable targets. Purges of non demons…bad. Demon purges…good.
And he takes volunteers, not press ganging like he did in TBC. Okay I won’t enslave you. How would you like to go kill demons?
Sure. See buddy, all you had to do was ask, bro. Now can you be less edgy, sometimes anyway.
well, still we will come along.
He seemed more mellow to me. Snarky sure but Velen kinda helped with that.
Hey op, I’ve been saying this for years.
It’s okay, the entire history of the games more can easily be ret-conned and explained in a new purchasable book soon!
Now we know why we haven’t seen Nathanos! All along, it was the Jailer leading Nate along! The Jailer developed a crush!
I literally hate this expansion. I legitimately feel embarrassed telling people I play this game.
Uhh… no, that’s not what the dialogue says.
That specific dialogue that you’re referring to is focused on Arthas and the Lich King, not the Jailer. All of that dialogue is essentially part of the quest chain where Uther helps Sylvanas reconcile with her past in the same way Uther was forced to after he regained his soul.
Its kinda sad more people dont clue into this, while enthralled as a banshee she had zero choice, but ever since then she’s had free will (although utilizing it poorly). Breaking free is about regaining her will, not some jailer mind control nonsense.
She was never under the effects of domination magic while she was working with the Jailer. She was working with him of her own free will, so the very first line makes zero sense if we try to apply it to the Jailer.
It applies to Arthas and the Lich King perfectly however, because her ‘past crimes’ that she’s referring to are the crimes of slaughtering her own people and the innocents of Lordaeron while she was under the Lich King’s control.
And before anyone says: “But what about the arrow?” if you play Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne, Sylvanas betrays Arthas and shoots him with an arrow. She would have killed him then too, had Kel’thuzad not intervened and stopped her.
So… they just decided to backtrack on all the woman empowerment narrative stuff now that Sylvanas got to play the role and pretend for a bit and in the end when it’s time for responsibility she’s just a “weak” little girl under the rule of some man.
Pathetic. Couldn’t fail that particular story and the Sylvanas character more than that. Dying at the hands of Tyrande would’ve at least allowed the character to retain some respect in the context of the story.
Again, the dialogue is in reference to Sylvanas and her time under the command of the Lich King, not the Jailer.
As a pretty big fan of the lore, this expansion has been so disappointing. I’ve lost all interest I had in the world they built at this point. Not sure how they can regain that either
That’s the alternate interpretation.
No, that’s the only interpretation.
Sylvanas never ‘broke free’ of the Jailer’s control, because she was never under the Jailer’s control.
I’m pretty sure he killed Baines self confidence and sense of worth when he tossed him in the reject pile.
Also, this thread in general is a microcosm of social media now with people just champing at the bit for their next outrage fix. Why not wait for more information or context. If people woulda took the time they spent on their hot take to look more into it, they’d realize she’s talking about Arthas.
I want off this train wreck of a story.