So... You're really doing THAT storyline with Sylvanas? *spoilers*

New dialogue on the PTR reveals that the story they’re going with is that Sylvanas has been dominated by the Jailer the entire time, and somehow at the end of the raid, she broke free from his control.

Really? If she was under his control, why did she try to convince Anduin to willingly join? Why did she not kill people when she had the opportunity? (I.E. Her sisters in the Windrunner comic)

Then there’s the fact the jailers dungeon journal implies if azeroth dies, existence ceases to exist. Which implies azeroth is much more than a titan, which feels… Weird.


I personally feel like “mind control” is just as bad as “it was all a dream” when it comes to writing tropes :frowning:


More lazy writing from Danuser’s crayon?

How is this news?

Oh, wait…

He hasn’t chosen to actually try and do a good job yet, has he?


To give it the appearance that she still had free will when she didn’t?


It might’ve been more of a light-touch approach. Instead of total domination like he did Anduin he left her with the illusion of free will while rendering her ultimately unable to deviate far from the path. If you’ve ever played Mass Effect, basically what Sovereign did with Saren.

I mean, that would explain why so we see so many people we know in the Shadowlands in prominence despite there being life from numerous world ending up there. For example, take Maldraxxis. Of the 10 possible Barons (2 per house), 3 of them were from Azeroth (Kelly, Mograine, Vashj) and another one died there (Draka).

I mean, I think it can be a good tool when done right but it has to be carefully and sparingly.



So if it was him controlling her all along…

How did she then betray him?


Lol this is amazing

I hope there is a scene where Sylvanas and Tyrande hug it out, and Tyrande apologizes for trying to choke her


I dunno, I just came back earlier today and haven’t made it all the way through the story. I was just going off what the OP wrote

So they are going the #@! disney route?


So she was serving him?

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But she will never serve!


The whole story doesn’t make sense, they’ve turned everything upside down, inside out and threw away years of establish lore.

This is “The Last Jedi” all over again, SMH. This is so disappointing and makes me want to throw all my WOW stuff away and never return.

Things that make you go, WTF!!! :sob:


Oh she servin’.

Full context tho folks:

Sylvanas: If the Jailer has breached the Sepulcher, then he is but a breadth away from enacting his plan.
Bolvar: We cannot allow that to happen.
Sylvanas: You all have witnessed the Jailer’s power first hand. Without the means to resist his domination, we have no chance against him.
Sylvanas: Anduin may be the key if we can save him from –

Jaina: You dare speak of freeing him after all you have done!
Bolvar: Sylvanas held the mourneblade that bound him. Her presence may help free Anduin from the Jailer’s grasp.
Jaina: I will never trust her!

Some apparent one off dialogue:

I don’t remember the exact moment I wrested control.
I do remember the rush of freedom. The clarity of purpose.
When I loosed my arrow, I sought to become his judge and his executioner.
I thought that if I could punish him for his crimes, I would be absolved of mine.

Forgive him? For the atrocities he forced me to commit against my own people…
But there would be no justice that day.
For anyone.
That…is yet to come.

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Blizzard hits itself for crit fail.

It’s super effective!

They sure can’t seem to convey their story through more than hamfisted five year old, “Rule of cool!” and “Epic Do-Over!” all the time. Do they even English when writing the story?

Azeroth being more than a “mere” Titan is something that’s not going to sit well with players as its still somewhere out of left field, true or not.

The way the game just keeps BDZ’ing it’s power levels and levels to new unseen heights every expansion and yet never tries to relate how these beings can be related to, or somehow seen as relatable and people still, despite all of their strength and “power”…

What really worries me is that Blizzard doesn’t seem to get that these half written diatribes of how Sylvanas wasn’t in charge, and yet she still betrayed Zovaal, just don’t jibe.

I guess they don’t see the breaks in terms of presenting a reality and a continuity that is supposed to be fun, relatable, and connected coherently within itself at all times?


I saw this coming from so far away it’s not even funny. Sylvanas’ character is ripped back and forth constantly.

They can’t ever decide whether or not they want her to be an anti hero or a villain. They have her commit atrocities and then double back and say “it wasn’t her fault she was being controlled”


They saw me serving
They hatin…
Tryin to catch me servin dirty
Tryin to catch me servin dirty :notes:



The memes didn’t take long


no writing consistency reveals that they have no plan.

The sacred vision is, as I’ve typed up before, the make it up as you go along and pray no one takes an actually intellectual attempt at understanding the “lore” “story” and “direction” of the game.

Sadly, the sheer lack of effort keeps showing that Blizzard doesn’t yet get how to put in said real effort to make something rewarding.

Why is Blizzard okay with half effort “This is COOL!” declarations that almost always seem to fall short?


Killing Garithos? The Jailer all along.