So... You're really doing THAT storyline with Sylvanas? *spoilers*

of course.

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No matter how they spun it, half the people would be pissed off about how they handle Sylvanas. There are a lot of people that like her as much as there are people who hate her.

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It’s gonna be such an insane reveal when it turns out the Jailer decided to make Arthas and Sylvanas just go ahead and fight each other for the luls.

Sylvanas is a weak character. We need Garrosh Hellscream again. Even when his soul was being tormented he never backed down. He is a true Warchief.


Sylvanas is actually dominic toretto

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Perhaps what we’re witnessing isn’t mind control, but an inevitable reality for what an undead brain goes through.

As a Forsaken, we are not necessarily living, but we’re not dead either. Perhaps the process of changing from living to undead is almost equivocal to altering your very DNA. You’re not you anymore, but whatever persona you’ve adopted after the fact is what you are now.


wow, oh wow that is garbage. seriously blizz…

i think i am done giving you my money come january. someone log in and remind me the end of this month to not forget to cancel my six month sub before it renews, again…

I liked the idea better that Sylvanas was just really dumb to follow whatshisname.

This I would love but they’d never do it. Garrosh was too masculine and in today’s terms, that equates to racism or some other such invented pc crap so I think he’s gone.

I’d bring him back if I could. He was great.

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The best. We need him in these trying times.

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Talk about recycled plot, this is exactly like Kerrigan and Amon, which completely ruined her brood war character.

if this is true, I hope at the very least they can put an end to Sylvanas once and for all like they did with Kerrigan, she left with Raynor and is never seen again.


What a surprise. It was mind control all along.

This must set some kind of record for the amount of times someone has used mind control on someone else in an MMO. I swear this has happened every xpac. :laughing:

Ahh thank goodness. That makes her character make more sense. Please retcon her to be good. They ruined a good character just make her good again. Retcons are welcome. Have her rejoin the horde.

It make sense, let’s just move past the horrible storytelling and focus on telling better stories in the future. Fix her character with retcons. It makes sense. Let’s move on from shadowlands without losing another horde leader!

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Well not to defend any writing here but this one’s actually pretty easy, this could just be the Jailer talkin through her to make it seem more real and enticing. Domination magic is probably kind of hard to do for more unwilling victims than willing


The first picture is my mousepad. It makes me smile.

This redemption attempt is both nauseating and infuriating, not to mention an insult to anyone’s intelligence.

There may be portions of the banshee’s actions that have been influenced by the Jailer, but it’s outrageous to expect anyone to believe she hasn’t exercised a very present and functioning free will throughout the extent of her undeath, and that the overwhelming vast majority of her actions, both in present times and also before we ever heard of a Jailer, have been her… actions.

The whole thing absolutely stinks of a poorly thought out desperate attempt to redeem the irredeemable and forgive the unforgiveable.

I’ve made no secret of my contempt for Danuser. He has relentlessly and without mercy butchered the narrative of World of Warcraft.

If I could be granted ONE wish in so far as the ability to influence WoW’s future, it would be to immediately remove Danuser from his position and transfer him to a non-narrative related job within the company. I’d ensure with aggressive and unrelenting permanence that he never, ever, ever again is allowed to wield any remote sliver of influence or authority over the narrative of this game.

Steve ‘the Butcher’ Danuser should be his forever name, because he absolutely mauled the very sacred heart of this game.

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Only people who didnt side with Sylvanas will act surprised that Sylvanas really did nothing wrong. If anything Anduin is the one wrecking the shadowlands

Vol’jin getting stabbed by a demon and dying?
It was the jailer all along

I love how many people are simply taking the OP’s word as gospel. I hate the story as the next person but what the OP is saying is just a theory (and not a good one at that), not a fact. Learn to know the difference.