So... you're gonna keep rewarding the 1%?

As a POE player, I laugh when WoW players complain about currencies. Literally hundreds of them to deal with in POE. Complaining about 3 currencies being concurrently useful is laughable.

Why play an RPG if you hate RPG elements?

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This is a real thing. I really want to play POE but I am way too dumb for it. It makes me sad.

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Really important to remember that most of the people that are posting stuff like this don’t really play the game.

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Then why add them in the first place? It just confuses a lot of players. Especially newcomers. If this game still brings in new players that is lol.

Beats me. Maybe they’re a progression focus for people who don’t play much?

ho ho ho

You’re kidding, right?

Heck, I’m not playing the game. I got my mount this season and quit until DF. Ditto for last season. I’m just ready for SL to be over. Doesn’t mean I don’t like talking about the game to my fellow gamers though.

Sure but my point is that the people that complain about currencies aren’t actually doing anything in game where those currencies are relevant. If they were they’d know that there are basically 2-3 currencies that are ever relevant and the rest are mostly for cosmetics.


It says you can’t roll need on the EXACT same item level. Doesn’t say you can’t roll need on lower ilvl. Look forward to all the tears in LFR when raiders who don’t need the gear for ilvl, but just want tmog or to disenchant go roll need on everything. I read it. Trust me. It’s still highly flawed

People seem to underestimate how valuable this particular gaming style can be in a game like WoW, and why it’s so ridiculously good for it long term.

There are so many excellent games out there to play. I don’t want to be forced into endless powergrinds in WoW to the point where this is all I’m playing.

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If you don’t understand the phrase just say so but lets not pretend crafting is going to be so different than what we have now. Yes, there are some small changes but it is pretty much what we have been doing over the course of WoW. We have had specializations, ranking, quest and being able to craft multiple before. Now we will do it all together. Crafting orders are the change but even they are a bit of a throw back to WoD garrisons where you could put in orders to npcs for items from professions you did not have.

How ironic you make that level claim on lowbie alt yourself lol. You can get carried through quests just the same that holds no weight at all. What does ion previously being a lawyer have to do with anything? Data is data. You just sound like a crybaby bad player.

Your phrase literally means “I’m arguing in bad faith”. For everyone else, they can read the very long list of new stuff coming to crafting I linked.

What about a student?

Yup. A lot of my friends are actually really upset at the 6 week tax for the catalyst for sets outside of raiding. It’s like an artificial time barrier that doesn’t need to exist. It’s not going to retain them as players. For a lot of them, it’s just making them not want to play at all.

The endless power grind that is artificially extended doesn’t increase play time so much as shows those who won’t stand for that abuse of time the door.

The less my friends play, the less enticing it is for me to stick around as well. So I just sit here playing POE hitting up the forums to get temperature checks.

You clearly didnt read it so please stop pretending that you did.

I don’t see a need to screw the M+ community over with the six week stuff. It seems more productive just make raiding the most lucrative gearing method by buffing it. I don’t think anyone who does M+ as their primary content would disagree with this either. It’d be good for everyone. The six week change isn’t good for anyone, and is actively bad for a gigantic swathe of players.

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Content not being good does not mean that people don’t want any content ever. It just means people want better content. SL was bad for everyone because of the covenants thing. And even outdoor content had restrictions on it due to covenants. Rares, treasures, and secrets were covenant specific. The Maw was awful and needs deleted.

And Korthia’s problem was the map was bad and it was a terrible grind. ZM was good and a lot of people liked it.

There are probably some people like this, but not many.

It’s always funny when this is said but then open world players are painted as not playing most of the game.

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Just as bad for PvP players as it is for M+ players. Heck it’s bad for raiders, too. Since if you’re one of the unlucky ones you also are waiting the 6 week penalty out.

There is going to be more involved in crafting high-end gear than just “mining nodes.” Only people who actually sink enough time, effort, and gold into crafting are going to be able to craft the top-dog gear. Which means players like you will be incapable of making any of it yourself, considering your high aversion to content that sits outside of raiding, PvP, and Mythic+.


Yeah, yeah and I posted examples about how that stuff was already a part of some or all professions already. They are not new just repackaged but you don’t want to talk about that just focus on the phrase which is fitting. People that craft have read it and if you did it a lot, it is just more of the same.