So... you're gonna keep rewarding the 1%?

More of the same but instead of them being for specific professions they are stats. I have crafted a lot and getting bonus quality is nothing new. I remember when sometimes an item would craft as a blue or epic. We had things costing less items as you ranked up in Legion I think. Multicraft just straight tells you it has been in the game for awhile. The speed think maybe new…or I am forgetting something.

It is more the same just packaged up pretty.

You could have maybe used that excuse if Blizzard did not take ideas from those games but those jumping puzzles in WoD and now Dragon riding came right of GW2. WoW has always taken from other games and made it their own we cannot deny that.

Now you’re just being bad faith.

Crafting got a major overhaul. You can complain you don’t like the new direction, but to claim “it’s the same” is just pure trolling.

For everyone else interested, here’s all the changes :

WoW is also a whole lot better than its competitors, so I’m fine with it.

I’m confused. Should World Questing be getting the same level of gear from doing organized content that takes more effort to complete?

I think the big problem here was that the ‘stuff to do’ in the open world for SL (much like B4A) felt more like daily chores to do than fun things like they did in say MoP where each zone did have it’s own ‘chore’ type activities but had so many side quests you could do for more story and the ‘daily chores’ also felt like you were making progress because you were getting more Rep and building the ranch.

Plus there’s the problem in SL where some of the sidequests must be done to unlock the ability to interact with the world in some ways so you have to look that up to figure out ‘this isn’t actually a side quest/quest chain, but something I have to do’ type deal

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Like what?

So, another thread made by a low level character, complaining about Blizzard making the game for the 1%.

Have we confirmed we have another Tul situation here?

Most of the stuff to do felt like ‘do the thing for anima’ until Korthia dropped where Anima stopped being so much of a pain to farm for, then with Korthia the dailies were…tedious because you couldn’t go 2 steps without being aggrod by something. ZM got slightly better with it, but was overly stingy with certain rewards (cough Sandworn Relics cough) and having ‘inventory item currencies’ again and super low drop rates on some things (bronze ingot thing anyone?) to ‘pad out’ the time there, the main questline was…interesting, sure, the frog thing has been kind of annoying, and again ties into that ‘some side quests aren’t side quests’ issues (All’ey Cat of Oribos line is required for Tazavesh to complete frog quest line) and while having some side quest require ‘main story’ quest completion is fine, having side quests that aren’t part of a chain requiring other side quests, which you have to do to unlock features of the expansion, is kinda frustrating without an indicator of such in game.

FF14 handles that better, with MSQ having an icon, feature unlocking quests/chains having an icon, and 100% side quests with no feature effecting things only exp having another.

All I care is they keep rewarding the 50% bonus XP.

Actually Clarissa, before you decided to come in and explain it all, the remark I had on items and crafting was literally one sentence, in a larger post.

What’s funny is, I even started off talking you in this thread by saying:

Yet…you’ve turned your ‘post’ into some weird ageist commentary, based on something I said to someone else? Ok. As I’ve said to that other shortsighted poster: my problems with Dragonflight go well beyond crafting, and I’ve said far more on the matter than just crafting items.

Some of you dig into repetitive dungeon runs with the intensity of an OCD hamster jacked on Red Bulls, so I can understand why some of you can ONLY see the items aspect of a larger post. Here’s some of the larger complaints I’ve made on DF, in this thread, that you’ve missed (and won’t read, as it lacks BiS talk):

Only after all of that, did I say:

So, to paraphrase you: do you actually read the posts? Serious question. You can read the rest of a person’s post, and derive more meaning than just the portion of the post that you want to argue over. In each of your posts, you can only see the ‘tree’ that is BiS, and yet the forest of ‘the rest of the god damn game’ obviously escapes you. So, if I may quote you, to you, to end our “discussion”:

TL:DR - you didn’t read it. Also, this may sound odd, but I don’t even feel antagonistic against you, or your posts. Blizzard’s made us all competitive against one another for the simplest of things, and it’s crazy transparent.

I did not say it was the same, just more of the same. It is not me being bad faith but looking at the systems realistically. They have taken what is already in the game and will apply to all professions equally. The only biggish thing is the crafting orders because you can use the soulbound items of other people. I have no hidden agenda, just my opinion.

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I don’t know, OP. Even when I am playing “degenerately” it’s maybe 10-15 hours a week. I still manage to get up to the top 1% in M+ just fine on the seasons I try (skipped last two).

Time is not a good enough indicator of effort. I know I can do more with my 10-15 hours than someone with no motivation can do with 40.

You’re stuck in a tiny envelope of the game’s content by limiting yourself to just quests that show up on the map, sounds like.

There’s way more in the game besides that. I suggest digging a little deeper.

Forgive me for not reading every single one of your posts and responding to all of them as an entity instead of doing what I did, which was respond to a specific thing you said.

This is the thing though. No one is competing against you. I’m certainly not. I’m advocating from a position of solidarity with people who actually enjoy MMO’s for the group and social aspect of them.

I don’t like the idea that people who ignore traditional, core content that rewards traditional, core rewards being rewarded with those rewards just because they feel as if they deserve it.

It’s bad for WoW. The game has never for a single day been designed with the ‘solo player, casual, crafter’ or whatever title these people cling to in an attempt to justify their desires.

As far as the game being worse off for M+, which is the inference I’ve made reading your posts that smack of denigration for it and the people who enjoy it; I disagree with you fundamentally. I think that M+ is the ultimate casual content, and if gear rewards are why we play WoW (and that’s why we play WoW) it makes sense that casuals who definitely are the majority of the playerbase should have access to endgame content.

Casual here meaning people who only have a few hours per night to slam some keys or a maybe a weekend night to do a raid.

In summary, I still don’t understand the crafting complaints if people operate under the assumption that getting BiS from crafting is bad for the game. Crafting is (from all appearances) going to be better than it was.

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I mean I think you illustrated the exact reason that there isn’t a lot of world content like SL: No one did it, but people endlessly complained about a lack of stuff to do.

I think the reality is that most people that are clamoring for open world endgame content, really don’t actually want it. What they want is easy access to high end gear without putting in effort.

For me the idea that I only have to log in, do my weekly keys and raid sounds like pure heaven.

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:point_up_2: They never should have removed Justice points imo. Valor, honor, jp, and conquest are the only currencies they should have imo. I can’t remember anyone ever complaining about just having 3, or 4 currencies to keep up with. They keep breaking stuff that never needed fixing in the first place.


This is all this is about. That’s all it’s ever been about. I would rather that people just be upfront and say ‘I want easy access to high end gear without putting in the effort to obtain it.’

There’s no reason for them to dance around it, we know what they mean and what they want. They do it because they know deep down it’s awful for the game for anything like this to exist. It’s fine to have awful requests, but dressing it up like they do with these horrible ‘arguments’ is tiresome.

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Even worse is Blizzard hears those demands and commits real resources to fulfil them. All wasted effort.

I can’t remember anyone ever complaining about too many currencies, either. How many are we even paying attention to, at once?

In season 3, the only thing I cared about was Cyphers.

These days, I’m only paying attention to Infused Rubies, and that’s just for ember court.

Most of the currencies are irrelevant. Nor do they overlap from tier to tier.

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