So... you're gonna keep rewarding the 1%?

Nah. Your entire post was random mumble jumble not even worth addressing.

Don’t buy DF. It doesn’t matter to me.

I just find it hilarious yiu complained about crafting and it’s getting a complete overhaul.

I see people keep pointing to things like this but those things are not keeping playing. Just look at the drop off in players and this goes for everyone not just solo players. Blizzard can mail people all the epics they want but it is not going to keep people playing. It is the content and most of us have been doing quests, zone exploration and lore master for years. I was hoping crafting would be interesting this go round but it does not seem like it.

This does not mean I will buy and play Dragonflight because the first few months are normally enjoyable in an xpac. It is the longevity that I question and from that stand point raiders and mythic+ people rewarded. I am talking about content not gear because I always farm the looks later.

You’re literally getting crafting specs and work orders, what more do you want ?

If only they released content patches instead of just dropping an expansion and then having nothing ever for 2 years.

What’s “interesting”? Because in terms of profitability there are people making gold cap off it every expansion, especially Shadowlands where professions were so very important.

Because there’s always near appearances, and they even added profession outfits.

I’m a solo player most of the time and have plenty of fun. Idk what yall are on about.


I find it hilarious that you’re so utterly incapable of reading, or utterly caught up in your own magnificence, that you’ve missed that I’ve addressed the new crafting system with a complaint that EVERY CRAFTER HAS SHARED. Goodbye random person.


I’m gonna simplify it for you.

Blizzard doesn’t want people to be able to fly around mining nodes to craft BiS for every slot effectively allowing them to ignore content for gear.

I understand that there is an incredibly tiny niche of players that would enjoy being able to do this, but I also understand that it would be ridiculously bad for a vertical progression, group based MMO should such a system exist.


This is one of my pet peeves about Ion criticism. You can criticize his leadership of WoW for a lot of things, but at some point, the “lawyer” bit starts being kinda dumb when you realise the guy has 14 years of experience working on designing video games, for one of the biggest MMO projects in the industry, a job he got after years of playing the game at a very high level, running one of the biggest theorycrafting forums about it in its early infancy.

How much more do people need to stop using the “lawyer” bit ? Seems more like envy than actual criticism.


Hmm, let’s see.

There will be Dragonriding and all the upgrades and customizations to earn with it. Blizz also recently posted an article about the new rep system, which sounds like it will give open-world players plenty of activities to do. Not to mention that the profession overhaul will also give people more incentive to pursue mats and participate in crafting/gathering world quests and other open-world activities.

So, how exactly will DF have no room for open-world and solo players again?

You are not ever going to be able to craft full BiS gear.

So when you feel like joining reality let us know

The OP doesn’t care about that stuff. The OP wants BiS gear for farming trivial content.


I will responds to these to quote together below.

I don’t really craft for profitability, the AH game has never been my thing. Crafting just seems like more of the same. Work orders are just “will craft with your mats” but streamlined. Blizzard just took parts from other MMOs to update the system but left the parts that made those systems interesting. GW2 crafting system is pretty interesting with the whole discovery aspect of it. FF14 system with their quality system and tons of profession quest is also interesting. WoW’s just seems so lackluster if you are not into the gold making side of things.

I actually am disappointed in the profession outfits. I would have rather they be cosmetic items that we could see while not doing profession related things.

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Dude, having just finished Disciple of Humility, you can’t be serious. Lots of the content was very bland or simply stupidly overtuned. When the guide to doing an encounter in Path of Ascension is “Ok, here’s how you can bug out this boss using the Darkmoon Sandbox Tiger, because any legit attempt is a futile exercise is the proper RNG stars aligning”, you know they failed some place.

When the Abom factory “Unity set” is a “Well, join this discord, and people will post if a WQ drops a piece, because the only other way is to full clear all WQ every day with Unity as a Pet”, and the UPS brown set is “Weeklies! And no piece this week at all. Better luck next week. BTW no reason to even do these weeklies since there’s no piece”, how is that good content ?

When the Ember court is “Hey! Big party! … and it’s over. Nice 20 minutes! We had fun! See you next week!”, what more is there to say ?

Seriously, the Covenant content was bland. Primalist Invasions, its equivalent, will probably also be bland. But it’s there. It exists.

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And I’ll simplify this for you. You don’t seem to understand, or accept, when some of us (namely, the people who love crafting for crafting sake) don’t give a whit about your BiS, much less the iLvL of whatever.

If there were a creator worth their salt in command over there at Blizzard, they’d know that many crafters would literally spend their time being able to create a new Six Demon Bag, or making a new Portals Deck. Neither were ever BiS, they were just fun. My ornate mithril plate was never BiS, but damned if it wasn’t fun or snazzy to wear the full suit when it was current.

And, even if I could craft a BiS and “sell it for big money”, I’d much rather see you all continue running circles in your dungeons. You seem to be enjoying it. I don’t much care for dungeon runs anymore; they lack the emphasis on story and fun anymore. One of my challenges is getting the recipes (gotta catch them all!) and actually creating them.


I hate to say it but the others are right bud.

Blizz is not gonna let you wear a full set of crafted mythic armor. Ever. Whether its BiS or not

@anansi. Cant figure out how to edit to a reply to you mbd. on mobile :joy:

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New Crafting-Specific Stats in Dragonflight

In Dragonflight, besides your primary Crafting Skill, you have access to several secondary stats. These new stats are only applied in crafting Dragonflight items, and you can specialize in them. These are the secondary Crafting Stats in Dragonflight:

  • Inspiration: You have a x% chance to be inspired, crafting this recipe with extra skill.

    • Inspiration is basically a dice roll for getting bonus quality on crafted items. It is also a way to craft items of higher quality than what you’re able to obtain at the moment (or boost items a little bit above maximum Quality).
  • Resourcefulness: You have a x% chance to use fewer tradable reagents.

    • Pretty straightforward stat, allows for a chance of using less materials when crafting.
  • Multicraft: You have a x% chance to craft additional items. Only works on recipes for stackable items.

    • Multicraft has been a thing in some shape or form for many expansions, such as the Potion Master specialization from Burning Crusade or Silas’ Potion of Prosperity from Battle for Azeroth. Granting a chance to craft extra items is a great way to increase profits!
  • Crafting Speed: Crafting is x% faster.

    • This stat allows for faster crafting, great for mass producing items for the Auction House or just save some time.


You can do the exact equivalent of this right now in SL so I don’t see what your complaint is based on. Especially if

This is still a thing.

Do you actually play the game? Serious question. You can craft poorly optimized/weak/bad gear and wear it do whatever you want for all or most of your slots. No one is going to stop you from it. Those items still exist.

You can still pick up recipes for every crafting profession. No one is going to stop you.

Is that you simply miss how it was 18 years ago? I mean sure, I do too. You’re never gonna recapture that though. You’ve had 18 years worth of dopamine hits from WoW, at some point you’re going to have to just accept that you won’t get nearly as much out of this as you used to (especially if you’re gonna just keep doing the same things you were 18 years ago.)

Completely different games with systems that work for those games.

Also, the gameplay in those two games is a pale shadow of gameplay in comparison to WoW.

I’ll take what you consider for less interesting crafting if the trade off is silky smooth combat, ridiculously superior art work, zones and game engine. /shrug

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If only there was a way to relive those great glory days back when the game had tons of casual world content!

Like a button on the launcher that would say “Classic”.

Anansi here would be so happy. He could frolic in the sun of Azeroth’s golden age of Mithril set crafting.

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I don’t really do anything hardcore and I’m looking forward to the new profession stuff, rated solo shuffle, the new flight system, the new race and class, etc.

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