So... you're gonna keep rewarding the 1%?

M+ runs take ~30 minutes. I don’t understand this argument about time commitment and how try hards play for “hours on end” when self-proclaimed “Casuals” play 6-8 hours a day. Your argument is illogical.

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I will never call myself a casual.

I love raiding and finally found the class im going to be raiding on. Fire mage.

I have a job and a family and still set aside 2, 3 hour raid nights a week.

Guess im apart of the 1%

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You must think it’s illogical to have kids then because I don’t even have that long to sit there rolling eyes at “casuals” like you do, mr vulcan. :vulcan_salute:

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I hate to say but this prepatch feels like it is the 1% getting the attention, when the 1% becomes the 100% and blizzard not making enough money to cover bandwidth costs then, perhaps they’ll change…

Exactly, there is a HUGE ‘grey area’ that falls in between the ultra casual ‘I just pop on, do some world quests once a week then log off’ and the hardcore 1% week 2 AOTC raiders.

I’m in a similar boat as you, in school full time with a nearly full time job. and I still manage to set aside 2 nights a week for raiding. but hey, guess that makes me part of the 1% as well…

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People like to feel their characters are evolving, and as far as i know nobody is asking for gear for free, just that different mechanisms such as open world campaigns, or even time and experience gated rewards for performing specific numbers of dailes and world quests.

I think you will find most people are happy to work for things if their paths dont include M+ or raids, but there is no system there for people to use, and given the ‘casuals’ play times they would acheive upgrades slower than raiders but at least they would have something to work towards , now there is nothing because the raiders and M+ crowd have Blizzards ear apparently. Everyone should have the chance to upgrade gear, but currently only instances give these things, all it needs is a little thought to implement and open world campaign mechanism that rewards incrementally better gear over a specified time / goals acheived criteria then everyone , well most everyone would be happy.

Agreed , but its Esports driving development in wow , sad though that is so WoW is becoming less and less a MMORPG and more a MMOFPS.

“10 hours per day”
Dude in a cutting edge guild and at most was putting in 10 hours…per week for almost 100% of the expansion.
I have no idea what the hell you people are talking about that requires 10 hours of gameplay per day. This isn’t vanilla wow, you hardly have to farm materials anymore.

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I’m the last two of these and I still managed to get AoTC, and KSM in shadowlands? WoW doesn’t need you to play 10 hours a day to get these things. Just play a class thats needed, and don’t be bad? Its not hard. I’m not even in a raid guild. I pugged all of that.

Open world has NEVER given you anywhere near LFR/Normal raid or M+ gear. Its not happened lol.


Awesome, glad we necro’d this thread…

I play classic.
I have a full time job two kids and a wife and yet im fully geared and raid every single week.
i will do the same in retail.
I think this author on his post is a bit of a stretch. its really not hard to gear up in this game if you just actually play it lol


I personally do not have kids, but that doesn’t stop other players who do from playing the game. Someone responded to you before saying they have kids and you turned it into some sexist argument about responsibilities.

The fact and point is that time is not the factor here when casuals can, and do, play as much, or more, than players who participate in challenging content.

Edit: I mean just look at the poster just above me.

Lol now you’ve run out of good arguments because you admit that you don’t even have kids, so you throw around baseless claims of sexism to win, what? An argument that you have no real relevant perspective for? That’s an interesting take ya got there. Here’s my take on your take.

Husbands/wives/bfs/gfs/helicopters. Makes no difference to me, mr/ms/whatever prefix party guy/girl/whatever. If you’re not looking over your shoulder every 30 seconds to see what your 2 year old kid is doing, then you have wives/husbands/whatevers who do all the heavy lifting with the kids. Or maybe they get their mommies to watch their kids while they sweat with you and the boys/girls/whatevers in WoW. Or maybe their kids are 8-16 years old.

Don’t talk to me like you know what it’s like to do any activity whatsoever, gaming or otherwise, with young children until you actually have one.

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I’ve been playing for over a decade, but I keep quitting out of irritation and coming back to sample the next expansion. I logged in yesterday and didn’t have the faintest idea what I should do, or how any of these systems work.

And yet, you know if they ever simplified things so that a returning player knew what to do, everyone would yell that they’re dumbing down the game.

Last night I never got as far as noticing 15 different currencies, but that too would have caused me to log back out and return to Classic.

This was your response to:

So yes, I would call your argument sexist and illogical by assuming and saying “You must be a dad who has a wife to watch your kids all day…”.

Just because you are personally not at a point in time where you can step away from your kids for an hour doesn’t mean other parents are too. You are completely dismissive of every other parent in this thread who is able to set aside time for themselves. You are still ignoring the fact that many “casual” players do play as much or more than those who participate in challenging content.

Why do you think people that do raids dont also do open world content? Do you think they are all handed raid ready characters by blizzard?

Obvious troll. lmao people fell for it like Atlanta in the Walking Dead

First WoW isn’t on life support lol you are somewhat detached from reality if thats your opinion.

Second you seem stuck on Pre patch pvp as a feature.

Lastly literally everyone I started SL with was done with SL months ago… casual gamers with family’s. They all basically stopped playing until DF.

Which just leaves… the hardcore players grinding away at M+ and raids for their alts.

Your opinion is lacking in actual facts and substance. You live in a bubble of your own thoughts.

Agreed, I dont even need Dragonflight at the moment. Have so much past content to play with that if there is a few months casual content before awaiting a major patch, so be it.

Coming back to Shadowlands at the end of the expansion has been a great experience of quests and enjoying the content that people claim isnt there. Finding new things every day to do.

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I don’t have a guild and I got to mythic 22 this season… solo shuffle is a solo pvp that’s rated. They gave a ton to solo players.