So... you're gonna keep rewarding the 1%?

“If” DF is good there will probably be a huge spike in subs

There WILL be a huge spike when the expansion releases, just like there always is.

And then half of them will quit after the first month, just like they always do. It happens every expansion, regardless of quality.

People see a new expansion, buy it, level up a character, look around for a few days, and then leave.

Every. Time.

Anybody trying to read anything into the launch spike is just fooling themselves. It always happens, no matter what. There could be ZERO CONTENT after you hit max level and there would still be a massive spike in subs when the expansion launches.

Odd, because there is definitely a place for me and I fit all three of your points…

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You know they won’t stop designing the game around raids, the mythic plus, and Arena PVP to some extent. They developed Wow from starting quest to level cap for you to become a raider. If you choose NOT to compete, they want you to stop asking for rewards, even though you pay the same monthly price, buy the same expansions, and stick around even when the min/maxers fail or win at those races.

Then go play a different game.

me and my brother started playing after 12 years not playing, all we do is M + LFR and my brother just me and him and pugs hit KSM - i will hit KSM tomarrow it took us less then 4 weeks. there is nothing hardcare about learning how to play your class.

if you can do that you can carry anything anytime.

You raise good points. This casual player only subs before/after new expansion to level at least one of my characters. If the expansion is really good, Legion, many characters. Sadly I only leveled my warlock in Shadowlands, then unsubbed.

Regardless of the replies before me that I refuse to waste my time reading, I agree.

Blizzard needs to stop pointlessly gating ilvl, and people need to stop pretending that casual players having mythic ilvl means something.

It doesn’t. The number is made irrelevant every season. The real rewards are the cosmetics you get from endgame content.